Pumping muscle guys

Contact him how? He didn't reply to inquiries even when the site was active. I also think it's time to come to grips with the reality that no new content is coming.
I was wondering if anyone is in contact with Peter personally? I was hoping they could convince him to start up again. With the right funding, Peter could reach his goals of filming with men from all over the world:yum:yum:yum:yum:yum:yum:yum:yum
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Who was the guy who measured him at the end of the last video in this set?
I'm guessing a buddy of his. Wasn't he also in part of the gym footage.

I love the the bit where Peter tells him to get naked and he glances right at his friend, who quickly turns his back. The whole dynamic of it is interesting because later he's right at crotch level while the model's sweats are down around his ankles.
LOL, I actually have all 7 seasons of the show and I've seen every episode several hundred times over! They too love to talk about sex and hot men.
For those that don't own it, it's available on Disney Plus. (Can't believe I'm writing the word "Disney" on a porn board.)