Pumping muscle guys

I think Roger M is another model who went further with Peter. Think some of his videos very not released. Photo shoot 8 I recall was edited heavily. Still keen to see them and him.
or photo shoot 9 can't really recall tbh
Yes, Peter can be incredibly annoying and also super creepy. Clearly, some of these guys did not know what they were signing up for. And sometimes he brought up the idea of rubbing the models' muscles during the actual video itself. In the Brandon video posted much earlier he argues that allowing him to rub Brandon's muscles will help Brandon burn calories. And him telling Jordon that posing naked and bending over on all fours is "not sexual."

I also cringe anytime Peter rubs a model's face. Weirdo.
The cringe factor is what makes PM videos so addictive….it’s the tantalizing thought that one of these straight boys will do something gay….. and sometimes they do! Usually not, but often enough.
and sometimes there are hot boys that who might have gone further if Peter hadn’t been so damned cheap.
PM could be a great subscription site in 5-10 years if he wanted.
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God, I wish we could see what happened in the cut footage. Mason gets up from that bed as hard as steel.
And if you watch when he’s in the shower he’s rock hard there too. Watching the way Mason washes his butt and the previous vid I’d venture that Peter either rimmed, fingered or f**ked him.
The PM videos are, and always have been, deeply problematic. On the one hand, there's this stunning array of models, viewed close and intimately in a relatively natural series of settings. On the other hand, there's the awfulness of Peter in so many regards, from his lying to models about what he'd capture (and release to the public) all the way to being a male MeToo class-action suit unto himself. (That's not even mentioning the vile stuff he would say... and say... and say...) And while that's not a problem with some of the models whom are A-okay with what he does (Atticus, Daniel D, Roger, Logan, Nicklas, Dawson, for example), with even many of the more compliant models, it can get really problematic (Patrick, Jarrett, Rick E, Jared, Andre). And when some of them are obviously much more naive-- Collin H, Elijah, Timothy, Brady-- matters get even murkier.
That’s the thrill… it’s all legal and sleazy.
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I think Roger M is another model who went further with Peter. Think some of his videos very not released. Photo shoot 8 I recall was edited heavily. Still keen to see them and him.
Peter looked very close to giving Roger oral in photoshoot 15.
And if you watch when he’s in the shower he’s rock hard there too. Watching the way Mason washes his butt and the previous vid I’d venture that Peter either rimmed, fingered or f**ked him.
Specifically, in Mason Photo Shoot 2 C, around 6m 20s, Mason lies down prone, then Peter takes off Mason's shorts, Peter disappears, then re-appears without a shirt ( presumably naked) and on his knees approaches Mason from the rear, then video cuts to Mason as he rises up to a kneeling position, showing cum on the sheets and a sporting a raging full erection, having just been fucked (obviously), then video cuts to Mason standing in bathroom still fully erect, and washing his butt hole. Nice. ... or maybe they were just praying.
I think Roger M is another model who went further with Peter. Think some of his videos very not released. Photo shoot 8 I recall was edited heavily. Still keen to see them and him.
I think I've seen all Roger's PM videos, and he never got an erection, not that Peter didn't try, some of the "accidental penis touching" became outright prolonged direct genital fondling closeup. Occasionally Roger would appear to be growing, but when he realized it, he would turn over or pull away from Peters fondling hands. In one of the last videos Peter asked him to make himself hard, but Roger said he couldn't, so Peter asked him to let Peter himself do it, since by that shoot they knew each other very well, but Roger declined saying he'd do it if there were a girl there. Roger does masturbate online, but not of PumpingMuscle.
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Specifically, in Mason Photo Shoot 2 C, around 6m 20s, Mason lies down prone, then Peter takes off Mason's shorts, Peter disappears, then re-appears without a shirt ( presumably naked) and on his knees approaches Mason from the rear, then video cuts to Mason as he rises up to a kneeling position, showing cum on the sheets and a sporting a raging full erection, having just been fucked (obviously), then video cuts to Mason standing in bathroom still fully erect, and washing his butt hole. Nice. ... or maybe they were just praying.
I think that the audio confirms that something happened. When Mason gets off the bed, Peter is panting heavily… out of breath. He tells Mason to take a shower to which Mason replies, “you go first.” Peter says instead, “I’m (indecipherable) my mess.”