Pumping muscle guys

I was looking for Justin C's videos cause his ass is delicious. Only now I know he doesn't look the same and probably contacted LPSG about his videos getting uploaded in here, hence why I couldn't find it. lol Anyways its on gaytorrents, no asshole though unfortunately. The person who uploaded it there reaaaaally wants Justin to have an eternal headache.
Is it just me or does Michael D get hard when Peter is touching his hole in photo shoot 2, video 4?
If you look closely Michael’s cock is pointing backwards underneath his left thigh throughout that section and Peter is careful to brush the head several times when he’s in that area.
Reality is there were prolly hundreds if not thousands of guys doing the same thing as Peter; back in the day of CraigsL personals and other now dead mssg boards there were tons of young wannabe Str8 bodybuilder boys looking for "sponsorship" in exchange for taking nude posing pics of them and muscle worship sessions (and more depending on the guy).
This was a 20yo (at the start) wannabe muscleboi that a buddy of mine "sponsored" for YEARS. He went from taking pics to mild body worship to eventually ( when he was hundreds of $ short for a competition) saying he could suck his dick if he would cover the cost. The DIFFERENCE is these men never shared it or profited from it online it was for their eyes only. Often wondered if Peter's models knew they could get help with their gym memberships and supplements W/O it being filmed or posted.
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" I hate the mentality if its not recorded then there no proof" like you really think peter is the only guy doing this lol na hes just the only one hsaring
Is it just me or does Michael D get hard when Peter is touching his hole in photo shoot 2, video 4?
yep he covers it has he gets up off the couch lmfao
Yea this one has actually been all over the internet for some years now. But every time someone asks him on Instagram would he ever create an onlyfans, he always says NO! He doesn't want to put himself out there like that.

It's like ah, ok... I hope he realizes that more than half of his followers discovered him in that way. Plus since he's already done the pumping muscle video, and created similar content on his own, he's already put himself out there like that, duh LOL. So it's kinda too late buddy.

Now it's one thing to say you no longer want to do that type of work compared to you don't want to put yourself out there like that as if you've never done it before. Big difference between the two.
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