Pumping muscle guys

Reality is there were prolly hundreds if not thousands of guys doing the same thing as Peter; back in the day of CraigsL personals and other now dead mssg boards there were tons of young wannabe Str8 bodybuilder boys looking for "sponsorship" in exchange for taking nude posing pics of them and muscle worship sessions (and more depending on the guy).
This was a 20yo (at the start) wannabe muscleboi that a buddy of mine "sponsored" for YEARS. He went from taking pics to mild body worship to eventually ( when he was hundreds of $ short for a competition) saying he could suck his dick if he would cover the cost. The DIFFERENCE is these men never shared it or profited from it online it was for their eyes only. Often wondered if Peter's models knew they could get help with their gym memberships and supplements W/O it being filmed or posted.
Reality is there were prolly hundreds if not thousands of guys doing the same thing as Peter; back in the day of CraigsL personals and other now dead mssg boards there were tons of young wannabe Str8 bodybuilder boys looking for "sponsorship" in exchange for taking nude posing pics of them and muscle worship sessions (and more depending on the guy).
This was a 20yo (at the start) wannabe muscleboi that a buddy of mine "sponsored" for YEARS. He went from taking pics to mild body worship to eventually ( when he was hundreds of $ short for a competition) saying he could suck his dick if he would cover the cost. The DIFFERENCE is these men never shared it or profited from it online it was for their eyes only. Often wondered if Peter's models knew they could get help with their gym memberships and supplements W/O it being filmed or posted.
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Is it just me or does Michael D get hard when Peter is touching his hole in photo shoot 2, video 4?
He sure does. You see it when it gets up from the sofa.
