Pumping muscle guys

Not that anyone wants to read another comment sans video - Roger M, the never-ending photoshoot. Makes you think if it was the money but also Roger wouldn't come back if he felt uncomfortable or weirded out. Peter must have also been really into him to keep asking him back. The feminine face is also not my type, but his body is quite tight.
Not that anyone wants to read another comment sans video - Roger M, the never-ending photoshoot. Makes you think if it was the money but also Roger wouldn't come back if he felt uncomfortable or weirded out. Peter must have also been really into him to keep asking him back. The feminine face is also not my type, but his body is quite tight.
I thought I was the only one put off by his face! So many people obsess over him, but to me it's just a butch lesbian with a dick.
Yeah, I'm confused by this too.

Off the top of my head: Jordan R, Nicklas G, Austin, Devon S, Jake W, Matthew M.
yeah, just double checked his Insta. Devon S is not dead! He's very much alive and well lol
I said this before on the old thread but I think it's worth repeating. Peter had Roger come by almost 20 different times with each video being 3 Plus hours long. That's over 60 hours of time throughout several years of film and every single video is just a repeat of the last one.

Yes of course as a years went by Roger got hotter and his body more filled out with muscle, so it was always nice to see a new updated version of Roger. But if I was in Peter's position I'd have to say to Roger by the 10th video, hey man we really need to step up our game on this, so just name your price. At least get fully hard on camera for me and the paying audience.

But on Peter's end it made no sense to spend all those years and all that time with this guy and never be able to get him to do anything more than just get naked and Flex for 3 hours. Yes some might say Roger may not have felt comfortable doing things like get hard or jerk off for a little bit even without cumming. But every hot young straight guy has his price. Especially these fitness guys.
oh I wish the uncut versions were leaked somehow! the best part is missing :D :D
Wherever Peter is today I wonder if he still has all of the "uncut" never released footage of all the random guys he filmed over the years. He on his own got to watch the unreleased footage without having to share it with the world. But by now I'm sure he would have gotten bored with it all and probably just deleted everything that was never shown.

But just think about what type of unreleased footage he might still have, maybe. I'm sure there are guys he filmed whose footage was never released at all. Plus I guarantee with the way he ran things he probably has / had footage of guys getting really pissed off at him, putting their clothes on and walking away. Including any actual sex or oral sex that happened.