Actually,he is. Their whole friends group is homophobic. If you know russian, you know. They've used russian slang words for gays on their streams many different times. And said that being gay is disgusting.
So here, you are the one who's spreading a lie. The boy IS homophobic. I'm surprised it isn't a well known thing by now
I always kind wondered this myself. cause his body language certainly speaks volumes. He knows his audience is mostly made of up of males and panders to it. Just enough to exploit it. I figured just give him enough time and he'd wash out. Truth will out and always comes out eventually no matter how slow it seems to take. Thank you for clarifying. I figure just stop liking his vids. no more hearts.. and I'd never pay the Mercedes driving 20 yo.. You'd think no one seen an 8 in pecker before.. sure he's cute and post cute vids still not paying for his BS.
You want everything for free! If you want his content, why dont you subscribe it? You want others to subscribe to it, to be scammed, to have loss just for you see Danya's photo for free, Nobody here is obligated to show you anything for free. Danya's content is copyright and he also already wrote to the forum in order to stop posting his content here. Stop begging!
I feel like you can kinda see his undies behind the emoji thing
you can. if you look at his butt, where the emoji starts, it goes a bit inwards, like if he pulled the underwear down to appear naked and the waistband is pushing the butt in
I feel like you can kinda see his undies behind the emoji thing
It is not naked, because if he was, it wouldnt be necessary the white circle, the word full is already covering his nudity. So, it is another photo in underwear. In comments people are saying it is scam.