Raphael gomes (youtuber)

I’ve followed him for years now and Andre is right. Raphael has no preparation in cooking or in anything tbh. He was lucky enough that his content blew up enough for him to make a good profit out of it. He does uses many words that are common in the cooking industry, but I believe he knows them because he learned it from tiktok or other youtube videos. Probably he doesn’t quite understand some of the words he uses but uses them correctly because he’s repeating them in the same context as other cc use them in their own videos. He did also published a cooking book, but some years ago he said on video that they just hire him to put his face on it to sell as much copies as possible. He also said that the book is awful and critiqued some of the recipes because of how generic they are. Don’t get me wrong, I like the guy. I think he’s good looking and very funny because of how silly he is, but his success comes from that and not because he is a chef or something like that.
I’ve followed him for years now and Andre is right. Raphael has no preparation in cooking or in anything tbh.

But he does tho. Some of his cooking skills and verbiage hint at a pro career. I cant name any right now cause my edible just kicked in (LOL) but trust me, he does know some things.
Can you elaborate on what verbiage exactly that he uses that hints at a pro career? Because anyone who watches enough of anything will learn the vocab eventually. I can tell you about carryover cooking and what the differences are between whipped cream and creme pate and I'm not a confectioner.
Can you elaborate on what verbiage exactly that he uses that hints at a pro career? Because anyone who watches enough of anything will learn the vocab eventually. I can tell you about carryover cooking and what the differences are between whipped cream and creme pate and I'm not a confectioner.

I cant remember and I cant find the video, he was in the UK tho
BUT he knows how to fold properly .
Does he purposefully dress like a kid to appeal to housewives?
Like when Boy George showed up, the record label made him dress like a Raggedy Anne doll, so it hid the fact that he was a 6'2" gay man with a giant cock and could box (his dad was a boxer and taught all the sons)
They did a documentary on that...
Has anyone seen Raphael off YouTube? Does he look like that in public?
Does he purposefully dress like a kid to appeal to housewives?
Like when Boy George showed up, the record label made him dress like a Raggedy Anne doll, so it hid the fact that he was a 6'2" gay man with a giant cock and could box (his dad was a boxer and taught all the sons)
They did a documentary on that...
Has anyone seen Raphael off YouTube? Does he look like that in public?
This is insane oh wow haha
Is it possible to be gay and Asexual?

I just feel that if Raphael had to decide between a hot guy coming to his house or sitting on the floor playing with Disney toys and eating nuggets, hed chose the latter
Yes you can be gay and asexual at the same time. It’s just called being homorantic/asexual or homo/ace
Is it possible to be gay and Asexual?

I just feel that if Raphael had to decide between a hot guy coming to his house or sitting on the floor playing with Disney toys and eating nuggets, hed chose the latter
Yessss. I mean either that or he’s so damaged from the past he’s so guarded
i forget his ex's name. david? the guy that he had pics in bed with that made people find out he's gay. he was also rumored to have dated doug armstrong for a short bit. i think it was after doug and joey graceffa didn't work out.
so i don't think he's asexual, i think he just has a very sanitized public image, which is why he's not really out(as if that face caked with make up could fool anyone) and why he never really posts anything about his love life, or even his personal life. he's like a tv show host more than an internet personality tbh