Roman kemp

Is nail polish a new things for straight guy. Roman seems to have his done now for over a month now. And last month he was wearing a pearl necklace.

I will never understand straight guys.
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Is Roman dating anyone? He is on this lovely holiday but it looks like he didn't take mates this time but you can see someones shadow. Is this why we haven't had any thurst traps lately?
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Is Roman dating anyone? He is on this lovely holiday but it looks like he didn't take mates this time but you can see someones shadow. Is this why we haven't had any thurst traps lately?
I know he has been single for a long time, as far as I'm aware he's still single
Yeah i think he might be but there someone standing behind him in the beaches story today and someone clearly taking photos of him. Like the tube post on instagram and the farmhouse handm pictures. I just made me wonder.
Can anyone get any screenshots of Roman presenting the one show today. He looked fit.
While looking around I found these tweets:

"Anyone else spot @romankemp
bulge can’t be the only one thinking it ? #ImACeleb "
9:49 pm · 7 Dec 2019

" He even tried to hide it on the way to camp. I was desperately trying to avert my gaze. #ImACeleb"

Does anyone have the footage they are talking about?