Ruler pics - can anyone show 8 inches?

I'm pretty sure mine are measured correctly?
I wouldn't say I'm exactly 8" but I'm getting there.
The fellow ruler9 has the most accurately measured cock I have seen on this board over 8 inches. As a matter of fact it measures somewhat over 9 inches by at least 6.5" thick. There may be a few others measured correctly.
Look, I did my best to hold my dick (which is naturally curved up and to the left), the ruler and the camera all at once. Not an easy task I tell you :boggled: ... No wonder there aren't many of these pictures around...

Here are the three clearest ones I could get. Sorry you can’t really see the bottom of the ruler, but don't worry it's all there. As a matter of fact there are an extra 3/16 of an inche at the base of the ruler before the beginning of inche #1...

Nice pics...

The only problem is that you have to measure your dick from the TOP of the dick from the pubic bone to the very top of the dick head, while you measure it from the SIDE, not from the pubic bone but more from your leg....that gives you probably haft an inch more:wink:
what the hell

You need to stretch the measuring tape a little hold it firmly......besides when you measure a dick that curves downwards, it will always seem a little longer than it actually is, while if you measure a dick that points upwards, it will always seem a little shorter than it actually is...that´s why measuring dicks is not always quite easy....
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The number one trend in this thread is the absolute inability of many high claims to be proven due to poor measuring. Bone-pressed doesn't mean shoving a ruler into the fat below your pubic bone, but starting it there. Zach is one of the few I've seen to measure correctly.
The number one trend in this thread is the absolute inability of many high claims to be proven due to poor measuring. Bone-pressed doesn't mean shoving a ruler into the fat below your pubic bone, but starting it there. Zach is one of the few I've seen to measure correctly.

Hmm... in my photo, the ruler isn't even touching my fat, skin, OR pubic bone at all. you can clearly see where it starts and where it ends at 8.5".
