Unfortunately I am half an inch shy of being able to claim myself as part of this club, however a bone pressed measurement when I am really aroused or if I popped a viagra gives me an 8 incher, but since a lot of folks consider bone pressed measurement a form of cheating I am 7.5 and thats that. It is amusing though the number of folks who claimed 8 in this thread when it was clear that they are nowhere near that, some folks really are dreaming in technicolour it seems.
I've never understood the problem with bone-pressed. If you are counting the length can penetrate another person -- you can certainly put that part of the penis inside them also, even though it's a not a lot of extra length.
Look, I did my best to hold my dick (which is naturally curved up and to the left), the ruler and the camera all at once. Not an easy task I tell you :boggled: ... No wonder there aren't many of these pictures around...
Here are the three clearest ones I could get. Sorry you cant really see the bottom of the ruler, but don't worry it's all there. As a matter of fact there are an extra 3/16 of an inche at the base of the ruler before the beginning of inche #1...
Ok guys. So where are all your ruler pictures??? I was just trying to contribute to the thread...
The guy asked if anyone could show 8 inches... Apparently not too many even want to try which is hardly surprising given the rampant culture of exaggeration prevalent in almost all internet claims about size. These types of pictures would definitely put an abrupt end to all the BS.
Here's a 7 inche dildo next to my cock. Make of it what you will :wink: ...
Just put one up.
I've never understood the problem with bone-pressed. If you are counting the length can penetrate another person -- you can certainly put that part of the penis inside them also, even though it's a not a lot of extra length.
The proper measure, if you want to compare yourself to online medical stats is to use bone pressed, measure along the top while standing up method.
There are a few people on this site with a low percent body fat that would like to discount this as they do not get anything from being bone pressed. So they try to convince everyone that it is cheating or improper. This just their way to get an edge by being thin. It is an ego trip, and not much more.
If you think about it you could just go on a diet get down to 2% body fat and get that extra 1/2" if you really tried. The extra dick is there so it counts imho.
So I say measure properly from the top, standing up with a moderate push in. If you are cutting yourself, drawing blood, or if it leaves a mark when you release you are clearly trying to hard.
Solid 9" I don't think I am cheating http://www.lpsg.org/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/214967/cat/500/ppuser/419904
Solid 9" I don't think I am cheating http://www.lpsg.org/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/214967/cat/500/ppuser/419904
You would probably go ten if measured correcly runner
your leaving a little on the table cheating yourself