Ruler pics - can anyone show 8 inches?

Look, I did my best to hold my dick (which is naturally curved up and to the left), the ruler and the camera all at once. Not an easy task I tell you :boggled: ... No wonder there aren't many of these pictures around...

Here are the three clearest ones I could get. Sorry you can’t really see the bottom of the ruler, but don't worry it's all there. As a matter of fact there are an extra 3/16 of an inche at the base of the ruler before the beginning of inche #1...

duuuuude you seriously need to shave that jungle down there. That is pretty gross!

Oh please no, don't shave: Nicolas, you look great.
Shaved cocks look like featherless chickens.
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Here's a picture of mine measured after soaking in a friends jacuzzi for an hour and a half. Makes it real limber and I can get an inch or two extra in length to measure.
I know all the (pens envy) photoshop experts are going to have fun with this one. Eat your hearts out.


It looks legit, not like a dildo that so many of the whopper size fakers use, but the surroundings the pic was taken in is hard to figure out - where's your body in the pic?
That web page doesnt exist. Did you mispell it? has a verification method on size where you submit a photo with a tag on your dick. They then estimate/measure your size from the photo. In my case I think it was pretty spot on. It's not the last word on how big your cock is, but its as objective as anything I've run across.

Does anyone else think that pushing your hips out is giving false inches? Guess it depends if you fuck with your hips pushed out too I guess.
It looks legit, not like a dildo that so many of the whopper size fakers use, but the surroundings the pic was taken in is hard to figure out - where's your body in the pic?

I'm in my bathroom standing against the counter, you can see the sink to the right of my cock, the white near the base of my cock is my t shirt.

Trevor 3
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Yeah, I'll have some fun. I'll post a photograph of that brand of tape measure so that everyone can see what it looks like when the image has not been altered to make six or seven inches look like nine. Notice that the numerals don't have the curious vertical elongation that they have in your photograph. I wonder why that is.

That's the same tape measure (but yellow) I'm using in my soft measuring pics... tried to keep everything as straight as possible. :biggrin1:


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