Ruler pics - can anyone show 8 inches?

Quite a few seem to start measuring from 1" rather than from the end of the ruler/measure...
I've noticed that, and it puzzles me. I can understand pressing the end of the tape or ruler into one's abdomen, or taking a measurement while one is sitting down, or adjusting one's posture so that one's penis protrudes a bit more: there is nothing inherently false or fake about such ways of measuring. But starting the count of inches at 1 rather 0 is so patently ridiculous that I wonder why people even bother to post such photos.
As the instigator of the whole business with the coins, I say that it is not comparable with the use of a ruler as a method of measurement. It is a stunt rather than a practical method, because of the difficulties involved (amassing the coins, getting them balanced in line, and staying hard long enough to keep them all there and take a photo before any can fall off).
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i agree that a lot of men measure and add a inch or two on the internet.I am 6'7 and a half.i have a 8.5 and i swear though ladies that ive been with swear that it bis bigger because there ex bf's were 8 inches?idk if it is girth or what but my girl last year was sucking me and took out her seamstress tape measure and low and behold little under 9'.later i put porn on and got up and measured 8.5.

I have very large hands and i can cover a 12 oz soda can and i can do a two handed grasp with the head still exposed measured my hand across palm and it was 4.5.x 2=9 i know it really does not matter but girth i think plays a big role and a large head girl say she can feel it inside her growing when its hard already.

just sharing my experience with this
Sorry Cal, but if it takes people that long to put 8 coins on their dick that they cant keep their erection hard then they're going to have a pretty bad sex life. It was a much better way than using a ruler or tape measurer cause when it comes to measuring their own penis its like they forget how to use it in the first place, adding an inch or two before starting the measurement or measuring from wrong position e.t.c. The coins really showed that you can't fake it.
I like the coin method... but if you think going soft while trying to line up coins on your dick means not being able to stay hard with an actual pussy.... well, you're just wrong..:biggrin1:

A waiting pussy is just a tad more exciting than George Washington's profile, lol. ...and the futility of getting the coins lined up on it, holding still enough to keep them on, only to have them fall off while trying to get the fucking phone camera at the right angle to get the whole dick in the shot.... well, for you guys that can stay hard through all that, I salute you, but I laugh at you if you think you can equate not being able to do that with a lack of staying power during sex.

Sorry Cal, but if it takes people that long to put 8 coins on their dick that they cant keep their erection hard then they're going to have a pretty bad sex life. It was a much better way than using a ruler or tape measurer cause when it comes to measuring their own penis its like they forget how to use it in the first place, adding an inch or two before starting the measurement or measuring from wrong position e.t.c. The coins really showed that you can't fake it.
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A waiting pussy is just a tad more exciting than George Washington's profile, lol. ...and the futility of getting the coins lined up on it, holding still enough to keep them on, only to have them fall off while trying to get the fucking phone camera at the right angle to get the whole dick in the shot.... well, for you guys that can stay hard through all that, I salute you, but I laugh at you if you think you can equate not being able to do that with a lack of staying power during sex.
Thank you, h8r. Well said.

As I said, the coin arrangement is a stunt, not a practical means of measurement.
I like the coin method... but if you think going soft while trying to line up coins on your dick means not being able to stay hard with an actual pussy.... well, you're just wrong..:biggrin1:

A waiting pussy is just a tad more exciting than George Washington's profile, lol. ...and the futility of getting the coins lined up on it, holding still enough to keep them on, only to have them fall off while trying to get the fucking phone camera at the right angle to get the whole dick in the shot.... well, for you guys that can stay hard through all that, I salute you, but I laugh at you if you think you can equate not being able to do that with a lack of staying power during sex.

Not too mention how cold the metal can be. Definitely gotta warm them up first :)
Arranging 8 coins on your dick? Honestly how long will that take you... 15 seconds max? And you lose your erection instantly as soon as cold metal touches your penis? Im not comparing it to having a pussy waiting obviously that will keep you erect. But taking time to arrange a ruler or tape measurer properly so it reads the exact amount you were hoping and then all the camera angle mambo jambo still keeps you hard? Well I don't know =/