This doesn't make sense to me. Either Sammy is a psychopath for continuing to injury someone in front of witnesses, or there is something we aren't being told. There are ways to stop a match OOC and if Jeff was really in danger, wouldn't those be used instead of leaving it to one person to end the match? I feel this is either a, Sammy needs to be fired and blacklisted, or the in ring personnel need to be fired. Someone needs to lose their job IF these stories are true. BUT I feel there is something else going on here.
I don't get what's complicated about this. It's literally just pin Jeff, small package. That's it.

They went through an insane brawl back and forth and you can just end that match with a quick roll up and we're done. The ref is right in Sammy's ear telling him to end the match. Obviously all this information was relayed backstage at the conclusion to figure out what happened. They must have confirmed the ref and medical personnel relayed the info to Sammy. Sammy must have confirmed he received the info but felt he needed to deliver one last impactful move to end the match and decided to do it his way instead of listening to the personnel in the ring.

If clear direction wasn't given to Sammy, then obviously the ref and the medical doctor would have been suspended and not Sammy who decided to end the match in his manner.
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I don't get what's complicated about this. It's literally just pin Jeff, small package. That's it.

They went through an insane brawl back and forth and you can just end that match with a quick roll up and we're done. The ref is right in Sammy's ear telling him to end the match. Obviously all this information was relayed backstage at the conclusion to figure out what happened. They must have confirmed the ref and medical personnel relayed the info to Sammy. Sammy must have confirmed he received the info but felt he needed to deliver one last impactful move to end the match and decided to do it his way instead of listening to the personnel in the ring.

If clear direction wasn't given to Sammy, then obviously the ref and the medical doctor would have been suspended and not Sammy who decided to end the match in his manner.
Ok, I understand that, but then at this point we have to ask, at what point does the X get thrown up. At what level of injury is it said to go beyond ending the match early to just outright stopping the match? If Jeff is so injured that they have to stop the match BUT you can just end the match early, is there a need for the X now? Thats whats weird to me, If you can just relay information to end the match early, is the X needed anymore? I would say that if you need to end a match early due to injury, you do it publicly instead of trying to keep the audience without knowing about it.
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Ok, I understand that, but then at this point we have to ask, at what point does the X get thrown up. At what level of injury is it said to go beyond ending the match early to just outright stopping the match? If Jeff is so injured that they have to stop the match BUT you can just end the match early, is there a need for the X now? Thats whats weird to me, If you can just relay information to end the match early, is the X needed anymore? I would say that if you need to end a match early due to injury, you do it publicly instead of trying to keep the audience without knowing about it.
I think we're grasping at straws here. You don't have to publically announce the match is over if the next move is just a pinfall or make any grand symbolic gestures to signify this is a real injury to the audience. We're not in the ring with these performers. You pin Jeff and the match is over which all indication thus far seems to say that Sammy had that information communicated to him but was ignored, hence the sole suspension in this case.

In the end, the most important people that need to trust each other and communicate are the in ring competitors, the referee and the medical personnel. The ref and medical personnel did their part in telling Sammy to immediately end the match. Instead another move was performed which could have magnified the concussion.

I honestly think these aew wrestlers place more value and importance on their move set instead of the immediate wellbeing of their opponent which is weird and sad.
I honestly think these aew wrestlers place more value and importance on their move set instead of the immediate wellbeing of their opponent which is weird and sad.
This has been Sammy's problem the whole time.
Besides the backstage run in's with far more experienced talent and the repeated "I'd like to r*pe that woman" scenario's, and proposing to his average girlfriend on air whilst fucking his hot but problematic colleague...
He's almost murdered several of his opponents, most frequently both Hardy's, and in all instances carried on the match despite his opponent clearly being in no fit state to continue.
He's not young and inexperienced either. He started when he was 15 or 17 and he's almost 30 or over 30 now.
He's just a horrible wrestler, with too many bad habits, who's garbage on the mic, has a gross personality out of character, and has nothing of value to bring AEW in return for his continued employment.
Besides inviting Tony to his wedding...
This has been Sammy's problem the whole time.
Besides the backstage run in's with far more experienced talent and the repeated "I'd like to r*pe that woman" scenario's, and proposing to his average girlfriend on air whilst fucking his hot but problematic colleague...
He's almost murdered several of his opponents, most frequently both Hardy's, and in all instances carried on the match despite his opponent clearly being in no fit state to continue.
He's not young and inexperienced either. He started when he was 15 or 17 and he's almost 30 or over 30 now.
He's just a horrible wrestler, with too many bad habits, who's garbage on the mic, has a gross personality out of character, and has nothing of value to bring AEW in return for his continued employment.
Besides inviting Tony to his wedding...

LOL I hate that you're right about all this stuff. My only thing is he's still kinda hot so I'd rather not see him written off. lol But yeah his promo work is horrendous. He has the AEW disease of trying to be a stuntman. But his general ringwork when he's not trying to go viral is pretty decent. But yeah honestly, he's gone to midcard status in terms of interest from me. But I love your rant... it's pretty spot on.
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LOL I hate that you're right about all this stuff. My only thing is he's still kinda hot so I'd rather not see him written off. lol But yeah his promo work is horrendous. He has the AEW disease of trying to be a stuntman. But his general ringwork when he's not trying to go viral is pretty decent. But yeah honestly, he's gone to midcard status in terms of interest from me. But I love your rant... it's pretty spot on.
Tony likes twinks, I'm sure he'll employ another hot young Latino... perhaps without a wart on his chin :joy:
TK and AEW are notorious for covering up their own mistakes to look good, so I don’t believe their side one bit, it’s 2024 NOBODY in the wrestling industry is PURPOSELY being an unsafe worker. That’s just my opinion. On another note, if I were Sammy I’d just request my release, let’s be real, AEW is doing nothing for him, they gave him a platform but not much opportunities, he could do better in the Indies, TNA or NXT.
TK and AEW are notorious for covering up their own mistakes to look good, so I don’t believe their side one bit, it’s 2024 NOBODY in the wrestling industry is PURPOSELY being an unsafe worker. That’s just my opinion. On another note, if I were Sammy I’d just request my release, let’s be real, AEW is doing nothing for him, they gave him a platform but not much opportunities, he could do better in the Indies, TNA or NXT.

Let’s not get into wrestling promoters and covering shit, coz TK is an absolute saint when it comes to covering up shit!
They’re investigating what happened while Guevara is suspended. That’s how these things work. They’re not going to fire him right away. The hard-on some of you have for Tony Kahn is insane. Go ask Company Man Phill if TK is too pussy to fire someone.
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Yeah, no way he could’ve been thinking “I hate that I might have to fire someone I like and respect”.

Yes while that same guy rants and tears down your entire locker room and you don't step in to cut him off and take control of the situation. You sit there and nod like a bitch. DEFINITELY not a pussy
Yes while that same guy rants and tears down your entire locker room and you don't step in to cut him off and take control of the situation. You sit there and nod like a bitch. DEFINITELY not a pussy
That would’ve been MORE embarrassing. Phil ran his mouth and made an ass of himself in front of the world (again) and soon thereafter got fired, no pissing contest necessary. This isn’t 1997 and Tony’s not getting knocked out by Bret Hart.
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That would’ve been MORE embarrassing. Phil ran his mouth and made an ass of himself in front of the world (again) and soon thereafter got fired, no pissing contest necessary. This isn’t 1997 and Tony’s not getting knocked out by Bret Hart.

Fair enough, I completely disagree
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Yes while that same guy rants and tears down your entire locker room and you don't step in to cut him off and take control of the situation. You sit there and nod like a bitch. DEFINITELY not a pussy
To be honest I don’t see anything wrong with what punk did at brawl out. He defended himself after months of hangman and the elite bad mouthing him on screen and off screen. He had nothing to do with colt getting moved to ROH. The entire situation could have been fixed if TK had been a boss and put things straight with both punk and the elite. TK killed his own company by letting punk get ultimately fired cause they made him miserable
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TK is a pussy. Remember he got shouted at backstage by a wrestler who'd put up with with months of his hands off management style resulting in multiple people backstage being unhappy and violent, and he run and hid because he was "afraid for his life"... he pays people to be his friend and if they would rather put their career first, he dodges them and let's their contract expire.

Sammy Guevara has injured multiple people, and carried on working. He literally almost killed Matt Hardy, twice, on live television. Which probably explains why he's such a brain dead zombie these days.
He threw a chair without looking and cut him open to his skull, and then chucked him off a cherry picker onto bare concrete a few weeks later, and carried on working while he laid on the floor unconscious for several minutes.

It's not ALL on Sammy, although, yes he's a garbage person that's not worth the hassle, the time or the money, I get it, he's cute and the gays want to thirst over him. But that's not enough, for me, to justify his continued his employment.
It's on AEW. There's no management, there's no discipline, there's no consequence.
There's just Tony hiding in an office with a mountain of cocaine, shitting himself not knowing what to do.
TK is a pussy. Remember he got shouted at backstage by a wrestler who'd put up with with months of his hands off management style resulting in multiple people backstage being unhappy and violent, and he run and hid because he was "afraid for his life"... he pays people to be his friend and if they would rather put their career first, he dodges them and let's their contract expire.

Sammy Guevara has injured multiple people, and carried on working. He literally almost killed Matt Hardy, twice, on live television. Which probably explains why he's such a brain dead zombie these days.
He threw a chair without looking and cut him open to his skull, and then chucked him off a cherry picker onto bare concrete a few weeks later, and carried on working while he laid on the floor unconscious for several minutes.

It's not ALL on Sammy, although, yes he's a garbage person that's not worth the hassle, the time or the money, I get it, he's cute and the gays want to thirst over him. But that's not enough, for me, to justify his continued his employment.
It's on AEW. There's no management, there's no discipline, there's no consequence.
There's just Tony hiding in an office with a mountain of cocaine, shitting himself not knowing what to do.
While I agree with the lack of management I think putting all the blame on Sammy is wild the chair thing was totally on him I agree but the sky lift thing no not his fault or even Matt’s the tables were not set up properly this has been explained many times they were set too close to the lift. If Sammy is fired he will be hired by wwe right away. I don’t understand how so many of you think his only talent is looking good he’s a fantasticly talented wrestler
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While I agree with the lack of management I think putting all the blame on Sammy is wild the chair thing was totally on him I agree but the sky lift thing no not his fault or even Matt’s the tables were not set up properly this has been explained many times they were set too close to the lift. If Sammy is fired he will be hired by wwe right away. I don’t understand how so many of you think his only talent is looking good he’s a fantasticly talented wrestler
He's really not though.
He could end up in NXT, he'll never achieve anything more than that in WWE, without ALOT of training. He's too ingrained in that indy, get-my-shit-in, "I don't need to cut a promo my flips get me over" style.
And as we've seen, even the target audience for that gets bored of it after 4 years.
TK is a pussy. Remember he got shouted at backstage by a wrestler who'd put up with with months of his hands off management style resulting in multiple people backstage being unhappy and violent, and he run and hid because he was "afraid for his life"... he pays people to be his friend and if they would rather put their career first, he dodges them and let's their contract expire.

Sammy Guevara has injured multiple people, and carried on working. He literally almost killed Matt Hardy, twice, on live television. Which probably explains why he's such a brain dead zombie these days.
He threw a chair without looking and cut him open to his skull, and then chucked him off a cherry picker onto bare concrete a few weeks later, and carried on working while he laid on the floor unconscious for several minutes.

It's not ALL on Sammy, although, yes he's a garbage person that's not worth the hassle, the time or the money, I get it, he's cute and the gays want to thirst over him. But that's not enough, for me, to justify his continued his employment.
It's on AEW. There's no management, there's no discipline, there's no consequence.
There's just Tony hiding in an office with a mountain of cocaine, shitting himself not knowing what to do.
Fan fiction.

Matt Hardy’s mobility issues go back much further than his time in AEW. He isn’t “a brain dead zombie”, he’s someone who’s put his body through hell for decades.

Tony never has been and never will be a tough guy and he doesn’t need to be. He’s not talent, he’s an ACTUAL businessman. He SHOULDN’T be going blow for blow with people he employs. That’s not how owning a business works. AEW is a huge company with plenty of people who get paid to deal with the silly shit wrestlers get upset about. I’ve been there, I’ve seen it happen.

You think the controversies that’ve occurred over the past five years are chaotic? Wrestlers used to literally murder each other and other people. Bruiser Brody got stabbed to death BACKSTAGE. Jimmy Snuka beat a woman to death between shows. And that was just in the 80s. Wrestlers being dramatic and dissatisfied is par for the course and happens everywhere in the business. Always has, always will.