Santino Benamati (UncleJesseJr on Tiktok)

Sadly with condoms...
What do you mean sadly? Lol safe sex should be encouraged. I for one appreciate sex performers who reflect the need to protect ourselves. Casual sex is fine, just protect yourselves and others from all types of STDs. Love you, bye.
Condom shaming is odd. Also, he didn't even wear it the entire time.
It's only shaming if the standards are double. I won't name drop, because I'll be slapped on the wrist, but there's a guy out there who wears condoms without fail with men, but barebacks with women.

Is this guy wants to wear condoms with everyone, then that's his choice...but if he only wore them with some partners, or some partners of a certain sex, then yes I think he should be shamed for that.
How can we confirm that's his?
He sent it on Onlyfans messaging but I'm not trying to get banned from Onlyfans showing the exact message thread and everything. I paid for it and the other video I posted where he shows his face and everything too. Is that not good enough for you sir? What have you posted here?
It's only shaming if the standards are double. I won't name drop, because I'll be slapped on the wrist, but there's a guy out there who wears condoms without fail with men, but barebacks with women.

Is this guy wants to wear condoms with everyone, then that's his choice...but if he only wore them with some partners, or some partners of a certain sex, then yes I think he should be shamed for that.
This literally doesn't apply to him. Stay on topic lol
It's only shaming if the standards are double. I won't name drop, because I'll be slapped on the wrist, but there's a guy out there who wears condoms without fail with men, but barebacks with women.

Is this guy wants to wear condoms with everyone, then that's his choice...but if he only wore them with some partners, or some partners of a certain sex, then yes I think he should be shamed for that.
Ridiculous. The risks statistically are drastically different; hence, the different practices. It’s not bigotry to acknowledge statistical and practical distinctions in risks.
No, he only wears condom to avoid feces touching his dick. Check out his scene with Callum West. He didn't wear condom during the first half but wore one on the last part after Callum ate a burrito. It's more of a hygiene thing for him than safety.
No, he only wears condom to avoid feces touching his dick. Check out his scene with Callum West. He didn't wear condom during the first half but wore one on the last part after Callum ate a burrito. It's more of a hygiene thing for him than safety.
LMFAO! A burrito!? wtf lol