Scott Disick

love those almost see-through bathing suit shots of him -- i love the fact that he doesn't shave his bush -- in those white bathing suit shots you can make out a thick forest of pubes -- last summer he was walking around with his wife and the paps got a pic of his pants slung really low and you could see a thick bush peeking over the top of his pants -- obviously went commando
You wouldn't give him a second look it he were not banging a Kardash-pig.

Ok .. soo first of all .. it's a bit harsh to call any of them pigs ... you don't know them .. All I know about them is what I've learned from the show .. but they certainly aren't pigs .. they seem like fairly normal people living an abnormal life .. (except for their mom ... that woman is lost!) ...

But regarding your post about Scott .. I could care less if Scott is dating one of the Kardashians ... he is hot as FU*K ... I literally can't even take it. I wish E! would give him his own show! I could watch him all day long.
I just wish the lot of them would go away. He has stated many times that his first, and single most important decision of the day is what watch to wear. Not his kids, or their mother.....his watch. All that money, and the one thing they can't buy with it is class.
Scott Disick! The Kardashians! Sorry, this people are disgusting. Scottie is a girlie boy, a douche, not hot at all. And those gorilla girls, big fat ass holes with mustaches; not very pretty either.

These people are rich! They did not earn it (keep sex change Olympian Bruce aka Brenda out of the equation). They live off of hard working dead people.

Money does not automatically make you pretty; it just buys you better clothing to hide the ugliness underneath. And yes, it does provide you with money for plastic surgery but it does not tell you who the best doctors are. That takes brains and judging by Bruce’s face, he’s borrowed the late, great, I can’t find my nose Ms. Michael Jackson’s Guide to Looking Pretty.

These morons are part of a huge epidemic of wealthy narcissists. It’s very unattractive, counterproductive and an embarrassment to the USA. It’s not even entertaining unless they can shove nuclear waste up their holes. It would help Japan, boost ratings and they could become environmentalists.
love those almost see-through bathing suit shots of him -- i love the fact that he doesn't shave his bush -- in those white bathing suit shots you can make out a thick forest of pubes -- last summer he was walking around with his wife and the paps got a pic of his pants slung really low and you could see a thick bush peeking over the top of his pants -- obviously went commando

Link? I can't find them :(
Kris Jenner saw him naked in one of the shows and made reference to him being HUGE!!
What else would you expect her to say between her willingness to do anything to draw attention to her family and the need to stroke his ego? I'll bet he had them write that line into the script.
What else would you expect her to say between her willingness to do anything to draw attention to her family and the need to stroke his ego? I'll bet he had them write that line into the script.

Plus all she presumably has to compare it with is Bruce Jenner's pussy lips.
Plus all she presumably has to compare it with is Bruce Jenner's pussy lips.
Well before Bruce she reportedly had quite a swinging social life but that was soooooo long ago she must be going on memory. You can't trust a word that comes out of her mouth because she has said her daughters are talented and that Kim's 1st marriage was true love.
Amen, StormfrontFL:

There is NOTHING about this "family" that isn't about directly exploiting publicity. I am so saddened and sickened by the whole thing. Meaning, EVERYTHING seems like it is contrived for the cameras. What plays, stays. What doesn't, goes.
Honestly, I don't think there is a single genuine thing about any of them, Scott Disick is a sad hanger-on, whose 15 minutes never even existed.
There is a side of me that would love to see them go away, but then another side wants them to swirl into meaninglessness and watch Kris Jenner waste the tons of money she has accumulated attempting to resurrect the vortex.

It is just a sad statement about what constitutes celebrity today (sigh).
Amen, StormfrontFL:

There is NOTHING about this "family" that isn't about directly exploiting publicity. I am so saddened and sickened by the whole thing. Meaning, EVERYTHING seems like it is contrived for the cameras. What plays, stays. What doesn't, goes.
Honestly, I don't think there is a single genuine thing about any of them, Scott Disick is a sad hanger-on, whose 15 minutes never even existed.
There is a side of me that would love to see them go away, but then another side wants them to swirl into meaninglessness and watch Kris Jenner waste the tons of money she has accumulated attempting to resurrect the vortex.

It is just a sad statement about what constitutes celebrity today (sigh).

I have to agree: normally, I'd think "nice bulge", but since he's tied to that ridiculous "celebrity" family, it's an instant mood-killer for me. You just can't fix stupid.