Sean cody

Actually shed a tear hearing Archie’s retirement. We’re never gonna get another model in porn period who matches his energy and looks. I remember being in shock at how hot of a model they were able to recruit.
Also, it makes me sad how the wording of his statements makes it seem he’s not proud of his career. Him mentioning that he was in a dark place when he first started makes me question a few things. I hope MG/SC didn’t take advantage/manipulate him, and that’s why he’s quitting. And I hope it’s not his friends, family, and love ones shaming him for his work.

I don’t know what his situation was, but I know another SC model Abe was battling a drug addiction when he started doing gay porn to pay for his habit. He too was stalked online, outed and shamed in front of his family and friends over what he did. Apparently his father is a massive homophobe which caused massive problems between the two. I also heard that these assholes were sending links of Abe doing gay porn at Sean Cody to his mother! My God, how fucked up and bitter does someone have to be to do that? The Internet and social media are playgrounds for psychos like this.
I don’t know what his situation was, but I know another SC model Abe was battling a drug addiction when he started doing gay porn to pay for his habit. He too was stalked online, outed and shamed in front of his family and friends over what he did. Apparently his father is a massive homophobe which caused massive problems between the two. I also heard that these assholes were sending links of Abe doing gay porn at Sean Cody to his mother! My God, how fucked up and bitter does someone have to be to do that? The Internet and social media are playgrounds for psychos like this.

I think a lot of the blame for this can be laid at Zack Sire's doorstep. The guy makes a career out of outing people online and broadcasting their real names for the world to see. He delves heavily into the models social media, personal lives and personal information (often giving slanted commentary to boot) and it's pretty clear he sadly has some level of influence on people who watch gay porn just looking at the comments section for his site (and on places like WayBig), some of whom frequently steal studios content and openly boast about doing so.

As a long-time, hardcore gay porn fan, I don't understand that mentality at all. On the whole, I am very supportive of the studios and the models and appreciate the work they do and have no problem paying for content. I can't imagine why people would tune into his site every day to work themselves up into an outrage over some tweet. It makes no sense to me. I'm fully resigned to the fact that sometimes, some people in the industry aren't exactly what you call the pillars of society. It's a fact of life. I think this guy expects all porn stars to be saints, which is just...silly. He's the industry's equivalent to the Weekly World News.

I tend to reserve my few criticisms to when a definite line has been crossed (like SC's recent scamming of their customers). But I let my money do my talking for me. My bucks go to good companies like CF, they don't go to SC. Not right now, anyways.

So when Clay, the owner of BoysHalfwayHouse and Raunchy Bastards, told people the other day that they can go fuck themselves if they're grossed out because he's an old, overweight creep who frequently says horrible things about the models who work for him and does horrible things to them such as slap them and spit in their mouths, I told myself I'll never send another dollar to his company.

Money talks, everything else walks.
A new S C on the rise?

Stag Collective | Real Amateurs In First Time Gay Porn

The photos and the set quite resembles Sean Cody. Site initials are both S and C too. I also got know that some members of the previous Sean Cody team are now with NDS, which is the sister site of the new "SC". Hhhhmmm... and so I wonder if this is their brainchild after leaving the ailing studio.
Actually shed a tear hearing Archie’s retirement. We’re never gonna get another model in porn period who matches his energy and looks. I remember being in shock at how hot of a model they were able to recruit.
Also, it makes me sad how the wording of his statements makes it seem he’s not proud of his career. Him mentioning that he was in a dark place when he first started makes me question a few things. I hope MG/SC didn’t take advantage/manipulate him, and that’s why he’s quitting. And I hope it’s not his friends, family, and love ones shaming him for his work.
This is quite over the top. Lol but agreed with the very last point
Well, it's tough to make assumptions when we don't know, but if he was harassed by stalkers, then that is unfortunate. Sadly, some people just can't take a hint to leave the models alone.

You're correct. It's all speculative, but if Archie's anything like his colleagues, the greater likelihood is his departure from porn is the result of an unplanned pregnancy, a pending wedding, and a born again reunion with God shortly thereafter.