Sean cody

Tanner works for the same company as me now (met at a work training and he's friends with my roommate) and is currently working to become a pilot. He says he was an engineer before this, but I can't confirm.
These are both going way back, but Brett Mathews is a practicing psychologist with a PsyD. Terry is a physician and academic.. I believe Addison and one of the Zacks (the one from Alaska) are both doing life in prison for murdering their johns.
In what regard? Plenty left porn, got married, had kids, have careers, etc. Many have had legal issues. Very few that I know of that went to other porn studios, but some have done their own thing on OF or the like. Did SC have exclusivity contracts, because it seems like almost all appear only on SC, but there are those like Harley who went into pro modeling, including nudes and some that did stuff elsewhere, like Brandon, Daniel, and Jonah (Brady Jensen).
I think a one year exclusive was standard for SC at one time. So even if you only did a solo and they weren't interested in going further, you still had to wait a year. Brad aka Hayden Clark comes to mind. He did a solo, then a fuck scene with Aidan, then quiet for a while. Then a few at Randy Blue, a dozen or so for Helix and then was never heard from again.
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Mentioning they exist or finding out in recent years about one of them is hardly cherry picking.
Yep. I'd add that you can compare the rate of murder convictions for the general population to that of SC alumni. Safe bet the difference is more than robust.