Senate Staffer Caught Filming Gay Sex Tape In Senate Hearing Room

Posted by a journalist on twitter (with their watermark so they have the uncensored version). Why does a journalist need every private IG story he’s posted and post it publicly? At what point is this not revenge porn? I understand posting the OG video but this seems excessive. These “close friends” kept this shit in a file just in case.


People have sneaky workplace sex in every type of job. You know there has been plenty of Senate and House sex of all varieties through the years. You're going to tell me no Kennedy ever banged a broad on Government property?

This guy was just unlucky enough to get exposed. Had it been a straight staffer, no one would care this much. But this gives the homophobes a chance to pretend that this is a desecration that only happened because gays are sick.

It's just sex between consenting adults. Who cares? There are so many problems in this country and everywhere else, this is two people having a good time. Priorities please.
He wasn't exposed, he exposed himself by making the video and sharing it. His biggest crime is being a complete horny moron