Senate Staffer Caught Filming Gay Sex Tape In Senate Hearing Room

the amount of pearl clutching on this thread is ludicrous. Ya'll are on a site to look up peoples nudes and are acting like this random person getting creamed in a government building is the end of times. : unamused: let people live.
Nope this aint it, this nasty behavior shouldn’t be applauded when he just give ammo to the conservatives and gay rights bashers.
That tops twitter just screams fake, they were apparently dating based on a photo, but the replies on Twitter make it seem like it was just a hook up by referring to him as the twink and posted a random dick pic rather than a selfie. Their tweets aren't fully scrubbed so why would all the other stuff have been deleted if they only reactivated an account. What's left behind is Stan account stuff rather than anything about himself. The handle was recently changed. Why would he delete everything then expose himself a day later?

They also tweeted that the sex happened on the 13th the same day Aiden "allegedly" yelled free Palestine at that guy, and with how that works out with doxxing he decided to fuck in the senate and post about it?

Gays do love a stunt. And that account is definitely one.
It definitely would've been less of a scandal if it had been a straight staffer, but they would still be fired and roasted online
TBH I think a straight dude would not have filmed and marked his friend on Instagram with a pic of it. Having used grindr for a while now, some gay dudes are just on another, transcendental, level of hornyness.
I bet all of the DC bottoms on Georg's roster are seething at Aidan. Georg is taking his bratwurst back to Berlin in a hurry and probably won't be back to visit anytime soon.
He’s just doing what other bottom sluts on twitter do, but it’s where he chose to do it that is beyond unforgivable , Some places deserve respect. This shouldn’t be excused as a horny bottom just “living his life”. Homophobic right wingers and religious people will be using this type of sordid behavior in a high profile political space as reason to continue to bash gay people and continue to try to strip them of their rights. This just isn’t right and this idiot’s behavior shouldn’t be normalized.
Oh, here we go. I'll take the bait this time:

As embarrassing and ridiculous as that attempt to make a public statement is, you took the opportunity to call the guy "messy bitch," "she," and devalue him for barebacking. So you should never be on a forum like this one, where 99.9% of the porn shared is bareback.

You manage to be as equally dramatic as Czeropski by doing the "clutch my pearls" astonishment at something that is scandalous but far from being unheard of.
Do you have gay friends or acquaintances you talk with? Because everytime that I talk about guys with other gays, we definitely go harder than anyone in this thread. It is just the nature of gay banter sincerely. I don't think it is inherently malicious in nature imo.
It seems like his entire online/social media presence (maybe his whole identity?) was based on being a horny, sex-crazed submissive bottom, to the point where he posted things like that on his actual Instagram and Facebook… within that context, I’m surprised he kept his job for this long
He’s just doing what other bottom sluts on twitter do, but it’s where he chose to do it that is beyond unforgivable , Some places deserve respect. This shouldn’t be excused as a horny bottom just “living his life”. Homophobic right wingers and religious people will be using this type of sordid behavior in a high profile political space as reason to continue to bash gay people and continue to try to strip them of their rights. This just isn’t right and this idiot’s behavior shouldn’t be normalized.
Also, if you want to be a wild horny ho, don't get a public job like politics.

I guess they just figured it was his private life.
People get fired for social media every day. He must've been VERY well liked at work to last this long.