Senate Staffer Caught Filming Gay Sex Tape In Senate Hearing Room

To me, this triggers me because its a wasted opportunity that went to a fucking dumbass. Just gotta wonder what did they see in him that made them say he needed to be there. Hell, they WARNED him about his behavior too. They KNEW about his porn life on social media and that his dumbass wasnt hiding it and even talking sexual shit about his fucking bosses. Yet they PROMOTED him despite that shit. He should have BEEN fired. Gotta wonder if this guy isnt working for somebody to do this on purpose for whatever reason. Its just weird. Either hes really that stupid and insane or hes working for somebody where hes internationally trying to humiltate somebody or whatever.
the amount of pearl clutching on this thread is ludicrous. Ya'll are on a site to look up peoples nudes and are acting like this random person getting creamed in a government building is the end of times. : unamused: let people live.
The Article 69 of Bill of Rights stated that all bottoms are created equal and congress shall not prohibit them from being railed in the congressional Chamber.
To me, this triggers me because its a wasted opportunity that went to a fucking dumbass. Just gotta wonder what did they see in him that made them say he needed to be there. Hell, they WARNED him about his behavior too. They KNEW about his porn life on social media and that his dumbass wasnt hiding it and even talking sexual shit about his fucking bosses. Yet they PROMOTED him despite that shit. He should have BEEN fired. Gotta wonder if this guy isnt working for somebody to do this on purpose for whatever reason. Its just weird. Either hes really that stupid and insane or hes working for somebody where hes internationally trying to humiltate somebody or whatever.
He did give head to get ahead.
Who are we to judge?
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To me, this triggers me because its a wasted opportunity that went to a fucking dumbass. Just gotta wonder what did they see in him that made them say he needed to be there. Hell, they WARNED him about his behavior too. They KNEW about his porn life on social media and that his dumbass wasnt hiding it and even talking sexual shit about his fucking bosses. Yet they PROMOTED him despite that shit. He should have BEEN fired. Gotta wonder if this guy isnt working for somebody to do this on purpose for whatever reason. Its just weird. Either hes really that stupid and insane or hes working for somebody where hes internationally trying to humiltate somebody or whatever.
I think it's simpler - he's a dumb yaaaass Qweeen zoomer who thought this kind of behavior was completely acceptable. #mylifemychoice. Cronin's team probably didn't want to deal with the social media headaches they knew they'd face if they shit canned an out, proud, sex and kink positive, stunning and brave (insert Tumblr identity here) diva.

As mentioned in previous posts, Georg is German who is only here temporarily, they are very liberal when it comes to sex. He seems to be an exhibitionist and probably doesn't get why all the fuzz American made it out to be. I suspect he has diplomatic immunity so that's why he's eager to film himself toping a senate staffer in the capitol without worry about any legal consequence. Aidan just so happened to be too willing to his demand without thinking through the aftermath and the consequence.
Diplomatic immunity? You guys are hilarious. He was a student on study abroad.
Though I do hope there are some consequences for Schwanz Gruber. It'd be a shame for AIDE-dan to be the only one getting shafted here, literally and figuratively.
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What a fucking idiot. Of course conservatives are using this story as outrage bait. This dude just reinforced all the negative stereotypes about gays just because he let his desire for online clout ruin his judgment. So stupid.

His face isn't great and his hairline is about to go, I doubt his porn career will be long lasting.
Conservatives and anyone else are right to be outraged. It’s called DECORUM and plain decency. Your dumb a$$ is not at home. You just don’t do this and I highly doubt that they just randomly got in there as low level staffers. Watch more come out. There are cameras everywhere. But this is the crap that they want to push on everybody: zero accountability and a complete and total breakdown of standards in the place of “equity” and filling quotas. One look at this guy’s socials and you could tell that he was a complete and total freak who put his sex life on parade. First it was that bald headed guy in lipstick and stilettos, Sam Brinton, who Biden and company thought was a good hire for NUCLEAR ENERGY who stole women’s clothing at baggage claim and is being prosecuted and now this loony. Something is seriously wrong with Leftists in DC. This is an international embarrassment on every level, a disgrace before the entire world who is already laughing at a declining nation and a thoroughly corrupt and inept administration.
Conservatives and anyone else are right to be outraged. It’s called DECORUM and plain decency. Your dumb a$$ is not at home. You just don’t do this and I highly doubt that they just randomly got in there as low level staffers. Watch more come out. There are cameras everywhere. But this is the crap that they want to push on everybody: zero accountability and a complete and total breakdown of standards in the place of “equity” and filling quotas. One look at this guy’s socials and you could tell that he was a complete and total freak who put his sex life on parade. First it was that bald headed guy in lipstick and stilettos, Sam Brinton, who Biden and company thought was a good hire for NUCLEAR ENERGY who stole women’s clothing at baggage claim and is being prosecuted and now this loony. Something is seriously wrong with Leftists in DC. This is an international embarrassment on every level.
Did someone mention moi?

hope he does get charged and gets the harshest punishment just for his attitude and the way he treated the whole situation. He needs it. Its just the fact that so many people who are better qualified than his dumbass that didnt get the opportunity and he gets it and totally disrespects everybody by fucking it up doing something he had no business doing. The german guy also needs to be charged with him too.
Do you want him to be incarcerated?
He will probably gonna love that too
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