Here is what happened, to the best of our knowledge. I know you want to see a conspiracy, so I'm not going to go on and on about this with you. But this is the timeline:
1) Sometime within the last few years, perhaps as recently as the last year: RDD and AMC begin some kind of sexual, probably romantic, relationship.
2) RDD creates or already has a Twitter alt, where he posts videos and photos of sex with AMC. No one obviously uses their real names and RDD never shows his face, although AMC shows his face at least once.
3) AMC, an out and proud newish congressional staffer, is part of a whole milieu of horny young gay guys, who stay in touch with at least one WhatsApp group, dishing the tea like any other young gay set, except that they also happen to work in and around one of the most famous places in the world. The men in the WA group share gossip and porn and are amused by AMC's sexcapades. It's the kind of space where the norm is to out-outrageous each other, and over-the-top acts are rewarded with praise (a familiar tale in all kinds of young gay social groups).
4) AMC, whatever his promises to RDD around exclusivity (possibly there are none at all), is sexually active with others too. He meets ST, a visiting German political student, and they have sex. AMC hatches a plan to have sex in a famous Senate hearing room -- which will allow him to tell a tale to his friends that will top them all (pun sort of intended). AMC will reserve the room in Cardin's name, and it seems foolproof because it's not the kind of place anyone else would go into if reserved at some late hour. ST agrees to go along with this plan.
5) At some point in late 2023, possibly during the week of December 11th, AMC may or may not have shouted a controversial and highly charged statement at a US rep who was being interviewed. In any case, news breaks that he is the staffer who yelled at the representative.
6) On or about December 13th, AMC and ST fulfill their plan and have sex in the Senate hearing room. AMC posts a still-photo reel of their encounter to "close friends" on Instagram. That reel expires within 24 hours. He also shares a 7-second vid of the encounter in the WhatsApp group.
7) On December 15th, somebody in that WA group sends the vid to The Daily Caller, or somebody that person shared it with does this (or someone that person shared it with does this). TDC publishes an article about the matter, which goes viral. Also on this evening, AMC posts a LinkedIn message, which he deletes on December 18th.
None of this seems the least bit implausible, with the exception of #5, which still seems murky but ultimately is unrelated to the rest of it, except as a possible motivator for the leak. What you've posted, to the extent I even understand it, does.