I’m sure deep down he is a good person. But I have had some decent interactions with him, and he flips out and becomes incredibly rude and so angry, it has me concerned he is mentally unstable and a danger to himself and others. I love watching a good hot dude, but I can’t support watching or paying for someone in this kind of decline without offering help. After a while it made me feel like I was taking advantage. I’ll spare you the details of our conversations, but for some reason he felt comfortable opening up (I would “listen” or in other words read, and I think appropriately offer very little advice, but definitely encouragement.) after some time it was pretty clear that there are several different “AJs” and depending on which one you get, there is absolutely no care for the fans, and almost a severe hatred, and such anger toward himself and others, even somewhat threatening. After multiple conversations, he eventually blocked me on Twitter—seriously no reason (as I often had little to say) other than perhaps embarrassment of over sharing. If you connect with him I’d be very careful for yourself, but also suggest help, or do what I did not do—report for his safety.