So first of all let's not forget where this post is; on a site where men and women display, record, and chat about their sexual activities and genitalia. Also keep in mind that to many "average" citizens, us being on a site like this at all would be considered "perverted", "sick", "depraved" and many of the other judgmental labels some of the other members hurled here, and I'm sure there are many groups that would argue this site is a gateway to pedophilia because of the proliferation of sexual content. One would expect that if there was anywhere a person would understand how to express how they feel about something without placing a label on another individual, it would be here. So for someone who even has as account here to be judgmental is just the slightest bit hypocritical because this type of recreation really isn't what society would deem "acceptable" in the first place. As evidenced by the mere existence of this doll, there's prob a child doll that pedos can order and fuck if they wanted to, not a mini anime woman. No child looks like this, size has nothing to do with childlike. It just amazes me that even on a site like LPSG there are people who can get on a soapbox.
Just enjoy the dick(or pussy) people !
this is an adult website.
fucking a doll that looks like a child is depraved end of story!
I actually have no problem with these.This is what a child sex doll looks like, not a tiny cartoon character.
There is a big difference between a weird fetish and concerning behavior
I actually have no problem with these.
Then, for these guys, Charlie and the chocolate factory, must be like a porn movie. Is full of dolls at the beginning.
That seems too close to pedophile practice to be anything more than disturbing
Further thought after your elaboration. And I'm not trying to change your opinion, mind you. Have you ever seen anime or manga? The dolls may appear a particular age to you, but if you've seen much of any anime or manga, those dolls don't embody what you might think, just because they're small and may not be busty.
Edited to add: full size real dolls are fucking expensive, too.. just saying
If this post shows one thing it's that you have no knowledge about pedophiles and/or child abuse.
a) The overwhelming majority of pedophiles know that their sexual attraction to minors is wrong and never would do anything to children. It's not their fault that they are born with it. And quite honestly you have to pity them since it will never be ok for them to live out their sexuality. They are not any more danger to society than any other man, including you.
b) The majority of cases of child abuse aren't even committed by pedophiles. Most of the time it's just the same reason like the rape of adult women: assholes and wanting to feel power.
So although I also find it weird, holy shit your post is full of ignorance.
No, the majority of pedophiles are cold, sick, demented people. They do not know what they are doing is wrong, otherwise they wouldn't be doing it. You are being too liberal in your post. These people do not deserve compassion.
No this is wrong. They deserve no pity. They are a danger to society. They should be locked up and killed, I think many people would agree with me on that!
Fisrt, Snake and Fade are accurate on this one. A "philia" is totally separate from actually being a criminal. Just like having a philia for blood does not mean you will go around killing people to drink their blood the same applies to any philia, whatever it may be, they are just mental desires. Most people with that philia DO know its wrong and do not commit crimes.
But because I like dolls and you see that as perverse you are saying I should be killed? WTF?
A doll is a doll, inanimate, not a flesh and blood person. Most of us can clearly distinguish that fact. You saying men "should be killed" for having certain sexual thoughts is pretty fucked up man. Even if you are just joking or trolling that is still really fucked-up.
Snakebyte is correct in his statement. The vast majority of men and women who have bizarre sexual tendencies including those with the "ped" fetish will never commit any crimes throughout their entire lives, as most people can keep that stuff under control and live normal, healthy lives just like the rest of us.
Having perverse internal, mental sexual urges is not a crime, actually committing crimes and hurting others is criminal, not the thoughts or desires themselves if kept in check.
We got it, people who have an approved disorder but never did anything wrong are criminals. There seriously is no need for any further discussion. After several people tried to explain to you that and why you are wrong, you just don't care.Sorry but there is no scientific evidence for your statement I bolded. It is a well known fact pedos molest kids, rapists rape people, zoophiliacs have sex with animals etc. All are disgusting crimes. What are you claiming then? Normal people commit those crimes? You are wrong. If people have bizarre criminal sexual tendencies the majority of them will find a away of acting out on them.
Your statement that these people live normal healthy lives is laughable. You think downloading illegal pornography is healthy? Because that is what they do.
I totally agree, but you can't cure rapists, pedos or sick people who molest animals etc. They enjoy their fantasies and they go on out and commit them or they search that stuff up. Which ever way you look at it they are criminals and a danger to society.
Wrong, pedophiles are scumbag criminals. You should not be giving them sympathy.
No you are mis-quoting me. I said pedophiles, adults who find children attractive should be killed. There is nothing attractive about children. I never said people who like dolls should be killed. It is creepy but not a crime.
I am not trolling or joking. The majority of people such as myself do not like pedophiles, this is fact. There were even political parties in my country in the past that advocated the death penalty for pedos. I support it.
Sorry but there is no scientific evidence for your statement I bolded. It is a well known fact pedos molest kids, rapists rape people, zoophiliacs have sex with animals etc. All are disgusting crimes. What are you claiming then? Normal people commit those crimes? You are wrong. If people have bizarre criminal sexual tendencies the majority of them will find a away of acting out on them.
Your statement that these people live normal healthy lives is laughable. You think downloading illegal pornography is healthy? Because that is what they do.
I totally agree, but you can't cure rapists, pedos or sick people who molest animals etc. They enjoy their fantasies and they go on out and commit them or they search that stuff up. Which ever way you look at it they are criminals and a danger to society.
What you described is actually an huge difference between "normal" child absusers and most pedos. Pedos are not just attracted to children, they feel love for them like normal men love women thus they don't want to hurt them. Of course there are others, just like men rape adult women. Some men are simply assholes, pedo or not. Non-pedo child abuse is about power and just getting off plus children are way easier rape targets than adult women. They don't care for their victims feelings or if they get hurt in the process. Like I already said, pedophilia is actually a real psychic disorder just like shizophrenia or whatever. Statistically speaking 3 to 9% of the population show pedophile tendencies. Doesn't mean that all of them commit crimes.I admit it seems I mis-quoted your post in that one regards. Of course no one on here or in general supports abuse of others in any capacity, we all agree on that. But I'm really tired of all the social hysteria around this issue, its totally overboard and mis-directed.
This issue really hits home as trumped up false allegations run rampant on this shit. Its ridiculous.
Often wrongly throwing innocent men in prison who then get raped by other men. For fucks sake, how about we make raping other men in prison worthy of the death sentence? That would solve ALOT of problems with the prison system and society overnight.
But people in prison scheme and outsiders smirk as if prison rape is some joke and totally "normal", what the fuck is that?
Its only an assumption that such people are automatically going to become criminals.
As those are the only ones anyone ever hears about. I know personally of reports to me by a friend whose own father raped her for years on end and the fucker still walks free to this day, yet my grandfather remains locked up on a false charge practically for life, where the hell is the justice? With your idea in place my grandfather would have been killed by now, WTF man!
Many of them may full well feel guilt and remorse for having such fetishes of their own accord and never act on them.
I am adamantly opposed to the death penalty for that stuff unless the victim was actually murdered or permanently physically damaged beyond repair in the process of the abuse.
There is also a difference between seduction and full out forceful rape, both are crimes yes, but one is less severe so the same punishment would be overboard for both cases.
For example in certain parts of India if a woman claims she was raped, entire mobs of people will surround the accused man and literally cut off his penis and/or testicles by force and the police rarely are able to stop them as there are so many. That is WAY overboard and just plain evil. Even if a girl was raped, in the vast majority of cases she can fully recover and heal from any damage done, but a cut off penis is permanent in those cases. Its crowd hysteria and barbarism is what it is.
Practically everyone on this planet is perverse to some degree or another, its just some forms are currently "socially acceptable" and some are not. Just because the majority are disgusted with the one you mention does not mean it is any more perverse in nature than any other fetishes we may have as they are all considered sinful according to all the scriptures of the world.
We all agree that criminals should be punished, but pedos need therapy more than anything after being locked up for commiting crimes, not the death sentence for fucks sake. That would solve nothing but create a barbarous society..
Like Snakebyte said, the ones actually committing rapes are the same guys committing all the other types of crimes. Many pedos/ chomos' crimes are seduction and coercion based, rarely all-out violent force, although that does happen too in other cases.
People need to understand that there is a difference between having sexual perversions and actually being okay with another being physically harmed in the process. These people usually do care if the person they lust after is harmed or not, and do not want them to be harmed, but only to fulfill their lust, regretting the harm factor involved. The people with that mindset are not the murderers or forceful rapists that SHOULD be locked up for life or put to death if confirmed to have done it.
Even if a girl was raped, in the vast majority of cases she can fully recover and heal from any damage done,