Sexy sexy sexy russian male personalities

The frontals of Shamil...I don't think they have been posted? Is that because they were professionally shot and the C&D order is inevitable if they get posted?
What do you mean? I've posted his frontals before (All available to date)
Roman Shlyakis no longer models, but he had one of the 2 or 3 most gorgeous faces of any model ever. He worked till a few years ago. He had a very Russian profile.View attachment 1167253 View attachment 1167255 View attachment 1167256 View attachment 1167257

What a beautiful Man. His profile is near, brows and eyes, awesome nose and his lips, omg, his lips are striking!
Да запросто, если с красивой девушкой и за хорошие деньги, почему нет? Женя парень видный, не все же мужикам ж@пу подставлять за бабки, лучше уж с девушкой и по обоюдному согласию)).
