Sexy sexy sexy russian male personalities

I am watching video replays of season two of Ex Na Plyazhev/Ex on the Beach. I don't understand what their saying but my four favourite male participants are Phillip/Fil Kostrubov (@filkostrubob), Venezuelan born Epifanio Lopez, Dmitriy/Dima Titov (Dmitriy_Tito) and Kirill Vasilyev (Kirill_Vas). Maybe I have a bit of strange fetish, I was quite aroused by the fist fight between Dima and Kirill in episode 7. There is something about physical altercations between athletic and muscular men that does it for me. Plus many of the female contestants are very attractive as well, most probably it is the cosmetic enhancements that makes them more appealing.
I highly doubt though he still in his late teens, but is there anything on the ethnic Chechen amateur bodybuilder Ashab Tamaev. He has an ridiculously large muscular neck. He just won his amateur mma debut match against cute Russian youtuber Philip Marvin.
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I am watching video replays of season two of Ex Na Plyazhev/Ex on the Beach. I don't understand what their saying but my four favourite male participants are Phillip/Fil Kostrubov (@filkostrubob), Venezuelan born Epifanio Lopez, Dmitriy/Dima Titov (Dmitriy_Tito) and Kirill Vasilyev (Kirill_Vas). Maybe I have a bit of strange fetish, I was quite aroused by the fist fight between Dima and Kirill in episode 7. There is something about physical altercations between athletic and muscular men that does it for me. Plus many of the female contestants are very attractive as well, most probably it is the cosmetic enhancements that makes them more appealing.

Phil's body is beyond HOT.... Like daaaaamn
Фил Кострубов (@filkostrubov) • Instagram photos and videos