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I’m seated. Spill…
Just numerous men I know have had dealings with him. Whether that be him speaking to them over messages or in person things. I think it’s a shame really the boy is clearly in the closet and has no idea how to process it. I also think it was wrong of whoever took the video to share it.
Just beware of the onlyfans account he has. I don’t think it’s even him that runs it as the way his TikTok captions are written are different to onlyfans.

But anyway he sent out a dm today saying 4 wanking videos. Paid and not one of the videos even shows his dick.
Just bought his “October giveaway”. 5 videos, 3 of which had no sound and the quality of the video on them all was absolutely awful. Asked him what the deal was with the crap quality (as the caption had described it as though they were 5 proper videos). I got abuse hurled at me and then blocked from messaging him any further. All his stuff is PPV and hardly uploads to the main page. Granted, it was only $8 and I probably wouldn’t have bothered at the lack of sound but the quality of the video was awful - looks like he was just trying to get rid of the videos that didn’t turn out how he planned and make some money off folk in the process. I’d probably avoid this page tbh.
My account got suspended because I done a chargeback through my bank because of how poor quality they were. They’ll only reinstate if I give them the money back, which isn’t happening.
You did a chargeback on $8? You'd have been better off just letting that small amount slide. Onlyfans doesn't mess around when it comes to chargebacks. Instant block. It's one of the many reasons their customer service sucks.
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