Shawn mendes

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Wearing the tightest jeans I’ve ever seen... and just a hint of bulge...

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He has such severe anxiety about what people think of him, how can anyone be in the spotlight and yet have that level of emotional issues, I do fear he could do something bad to himself, if anything untoward should ever happen even if it's an accident poor kid, he need help
It because most of his fanbase are teenage girls he wont he marketable if he was gay
It because most of his fanbase are teenage girls he wont he marketable if he was gay
Exactly and he knows it, it would explain his severe anxiety, his team must be looking at all the others young male stars who have come, although they are doing great, they have become niches, he wants to be famous soo bad, his success will be limited if he was ever to "come out" thats a big if , because he may not be bi/gay or whatever,
It because most of his fanbase are teenage girls he wont he marketable if he was gay
Marketable? He's a human being not an item for sale. There's so many gay artists nowadays anyway, this really isn't a valid reason anymore.
I have 2 sisters and I can't braid shit lmao. He knows because he's interested in that sorta stuff.
Even if he is it doesn't mean he's gay. I understand why you think that, I do too somerimes. But those stereotypes can be be toxic
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