Shayne topp

Recent video, “Silent Library” has Shayne getting his ass whipped lol

About 7:13
Although one major point that never gets talked about is how good looking Ian's stomach and chest hair are. He's so hairy.
Although one major point that never gets talked about is how good looking Ian's stomach and chest hair are. He's so hairy.
Agreed, I'm also glad Noah tends to take his shirt off in a lot on the try not to laugh vids. Hairy nerdy guys are 100% my type.
Agreed, I'm also glad Noah tends to take his shirt off in a lot on the try not to laugh vids. Hairy nerdy guys are 100% my type.
Noah’s pits are amazing!!! And I love seeing Shaynes pits among all that muscle ;)
Recent video, “Silent Library” has Shayne getting his ass whipped lol

About 7:13
His spanking scenes are so hot. I could only imagine him bottoming in that position, his muscular back and ass in full view and all yours. Shit man