Shayne topp

the beard and slight chest hair makes me go feral
I love his body in this vídeo. I know it's sick and not normal, but I'm love this man I never met. The whole I kept look at his belly and imagining how good must be to fell asleep hugging his body
the beard and slight chest hair makes me go feral
I love his body in this vídeo. I know it's sick and not normal, but I'm love this man I never met. The whole I kept look at his belly and imagining how good must be to fell asleep hugging his body
this makes me happy lol
it's pretty tough for me to feel the way i do about shayne topp, specially because you can easily get censored or rightfully attacked on youtube comments if you express it. it definitely sounds unhealthy but he makes me happy and i'm glad to find people on the internet that i can relate to. i'm pretty sure i've said those exact things before. wanting to fall asleep hugging him and watching whole videos only appreciating his body is too relatable
also, he is on vacation and didn't show up on today's smosh mouth episode, so have this for your daily dose of shayne
i had too many pics from this video for a single post but this should cover it all
That body would be even better with a slight blonde happy trail :')
That body would be even better with a slight blonde happy trail :')
i would love to see it too. there are some older videos where he does appear to have a very subtle happy trail. these are the only ones i recall. i never managed to get good screenshots of it, so you kinda have to zoom in a lot to notice.
after that point, it does seem like he shaved it way more often, along with other parts that he used to have more hair in. but the recent videos have me hoping he will show at least chest hair again soon.



I can't explain it but this outfit is the hottest thing he's worn on a Smosh video since those tiny pink shorts.

The light jeans, the TIGHT white tank, the floppy belt, the loose black shirt. Idfk. Why must I be plagued with such silly horny.
Oh agreed, he has become more daddy Like
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I can't explain it but this outfit is the hottest thing he's worn on a Smosh video since those tiny pink shorts.

The light jeans, the TIGHT white tank, the floppy belt, the loose black shirt. Idfk. Why must I be plagued with such silly horny.
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I can't explain it but this outfit is the hottest thing he's worn on a Smosh video since those tiny pink shorts.

The light jeans, the TIGHT white tank, the floppy belt, the loose black shirt. Idfk. Why must I be plagued with such silly horny.
strong agree. he has worn the white tank and the black shirt a few times now, specially in more recent videos. i remember very well actively going to look for more videos where he wore the tank because i kinda love it. it is indeed very tight, and i'm mad at myself for not being able to not look. it makes his pecs stand out a lot
what is cool is that the jeans and the belt look so good with them too. it's awesome for him to wear this outfit on a video where he's standing and hosting, i can appreciate it a lot.
was there any record on him actually needing glasses before? i know he has used some for bits, posted that one instagram picture and stuff but i never saw him using it unironically on a video.

he's hot but I wasn't really into him before, I was more gravitated towards Damien. but oh gosh! Shayne looks so much hotter now. he's aging so fine and I love it. the wheel turned and I'll choose Shayne now over Damien haha!
heyy, love to see that! i'm not impressed he converted someone because the recent stuff has been really great
was there any record on him actually needing glasses before? i know he has used some for bits, posted that one instagram picture and stuff but i never saw him using it unironically on a video.
I don't think he's ever talked about it. I hope its not one of those "Oh I wear glasses to look cool" like high schoolers used to do. If he wore contacts I would hope he stays with them.
update on the glasses in case anyone missed it: shayne barely needs it because he can't read some stuff that's relatively far. i don't know if he always had that problem but i'm guessing it's a recent thing. he mentioned wearing it this episode since he noticed he had trouble reading stuff on the teleprompter, so i guess it might be a thing only for ad reads in reddit stories and smosh mouth. shayne sounded excited about them and now i will not fully disregard the possibility of him keeping them for every video.

also, i think the mullet looks pretty cool. this is me confirming i will likely always find him hot no matter what. having both the mullet and a mustache is a bold move from him since people have pointed out it looks weird or funny on him. i'll personally just enjoy the view while he keeps them because there is nothing i can do for him to go back to his old look as seen in the early months of this year.
he speaks as if he doesn't care too much to try stuff out. as long as he's genuinely having a blast experimenting with his style and is still seeming happy, i see no guilt in being thirsty for him.