I think your harsh with your comment, You know what, I did leave that relation. It took me a lot, kids, divorce, mental and emotional therapee.
It's not just black/white, I thought I could have a conversation about manipulative behavior with people here but it just show that you don't know shit about manipulative behavior. You think there is only one way sexual manipulation could be harmful? There only sexual aggressiveness we should talk about?
With your statement, it's clear that all those people that are not aware that they live with a passive manipulating person, are just too dummy to figure it out. It's as simple as dump the person, really?
I know it a fine line, and passive sexual manipulation is more common then sexual aggression. It's not as shown, it's still a fucking nightmare of a living.
I will take your argument, and shut up about it. I shouldn't ask those questions here.
Sexual Deprivation In Marriage – Dr. Karen Ruskin – Relationship Expert, Marriage and Family Therapist (drkarenruskin.com)
How To Identify A Sexual Manipulator | Psychology Today
8 Signs Of A Manipulative Wife - Often Disguised As Love (bonobology.com)