Small guys, tell us about your small dick problems (mild sph)

I’m 34yrs old and first realised I had a small cock when I was in high school in the locker room and showers.

I always try to use a bathroom stall rather than urinal as I’m nervous of other men seeing my cock. I’ve seen men urinating beside me at the urinal who always have a bigger cock. I have seen myself on occasion not being able to urinate if theres someone next to me and just pretend I’m finished and will come back 5 minutes later. I always try and urinate as quickly as I can incase someone see’s my cock.

In a public shower/locker room I’ll stand facing the wall so in the vain attempt that nobody see’s me.

I’ve been humiliated in the locker room/showers before by both friends and others. Its made me very self conscious.

My younger cousin got the big cock out of our family. Am I jealous? Of course but I’ll work with what I’ve got.
I grew up with the same feelings. Always trying to hide my tiny penis. I played a lot of sports and was in the Army, so I showered with a lot of men. It never failed that my secret would get out and i would be laughed at. Gladly, one day I accepted being tiny and now the jokes turn me on.
So does she do anything about that so she doesn't have to be frustrated?
Not that she lets me know about. I do know she hangs out with the 30 something man next door who she used to work with. I assume she is releasing her frustration over there.
Not that she lets me know about. I do know she hangs out with the 30 something man next door who she used to work with. I assume she is releasing her frustration over there.
How would it make you feel if you knew she was cheating on you with a hung guy?
So does she do anything about that so she doesn't have to be frustrated?
We use some toys she really likes to keep away frustration. General issues have been that deeper satisfaction she gets from a larger dildo, falling out all the time in certain positions (or not trying them), being a bit embarrassed.