I’m 34yrs old and first realised I had a small cock when I was in high school in the locker room and showers.
I always try to use a bathroom stall rather than urinal as I’m nervous of other men seeing my cock. I’ve seen men urinating beside me at the urinal who always have a bigger cock. I have seen myself on occasion not being able to urinate if theres someone next to me and just pretend I’m finished and will come back 5 minutes later. I always try and urinate as quickly as I can incase someone see’s my cock.
In a public shower/locker room I’ll stand facing the wall so in the vain attempt that nobody see’s me.
I’ve been humiliated in the locker room/showers before by both friends and others. Its made me very self conscious.
My younger cousin got the big cock out of our family. Am I jealous? Of course but I’ll work with what I’ve got.