So, I was thinking about some abstract question I could pose to those stalwart women who still remain.


Superior Member
Platinum Gold
May 25, 2019
69% Straight, 31% Gay
I thought, just a fleeting thought at that..............what question you would like men to ask you?

What would be the most thought generating question you have ever being asked from your memory?

For me, I still remember. I was Tailor fishing at Fingal Beach..(I'll post a pic) There was another older guy there. I complained that I was failing to cast my line far enough. He said to me that admission of failure is the first sign of maturity...I was young at the time.

He was a lecturer of Physics at QU (Queensland University) Never have forgotten that. Probably because I've failed quite a bit, won on others. :) :)

The photos are of the Causeway...I fished of there with my mates quite a bit before the morons these days started doing burnouts as their pastime............the rock is hexagonal shape because when Lava hit the ocean it crystallized that way. There are more pics of beach and all....but I remember great years when the family camped there. It's a sacred Aboriginal region.1546066648_de9661b840.jpg
The island just to the left is Cook know who that was...white guy with a funny hat and blue suit.
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what question you would like men to ask you?
More or less anything not already been asked in this thread over the years. But then that's actually just 3 questions
  • Penile sizes, too big, too small, too boring to remember
  • Semen, balls, ass - all very interesting to gay guys, less so for most women
  • "Why are women here?". Again a common hit among the gay members here.
Leavrs plenty of room for guys asking something worthwhile...