Bublé is truly amazing, isn‘t he. He makes everything sound wonderful. I th8nk some day he will be as highly thought of as Sinatra.My wife has just finished six months of chemotherapy and now started on 12 moths of follow-up treatment. As if was not enough, some malicious, evil person has made allegations about us (me in particular) which has shattered our world. Right now I am in a fairly dark place and have no way of seeing a way out. This song came back to me:
So sorry for everything you are going through..life can be so difficult at times.. hope things brighten soon..My wife has just finished six months of chemotherapy and now started on 12 moths of follow-up treatment. As if was not enough, some malicious, evil person has made allegations about us (me in particular) which has shattered our world. Right now I am in a fairly dark place and have no way of seeing a way out. This song came back to me:
Oh my goodness I’m so sorry for your loss.. seriously .. I think a dog or a cat would be a wonderful thing for you..Thank you Mz. That is an old post and sadly she died 15 months ago. Life is still very lonely after 53 years of marriage, so I really must get a cat for company. Just to twist the knife a little, I have since been to two funerals of friends that died of the same condition (primary peritoneal carcinomatosis). However, life goes on.
Jeff Buckley was sensational.I have to limit my intake of Jeff Buckley. Like I won't even put him on unless I'm home. Can't have other drivers seeing me sob. I'm a lil obsessed.
Ah! I cant say I like the type of music, LA-goth-grunge-with-a-lot-of-reverb-a-la-1991, but Im less of a music snob nowadays.I haven't listened to this song for too damn long. Thank you for posting. Yesh, totally had me bawling but also hauled a lot of fond memories to the top.