Straight Friend Playing Around Too Much?


Superior Member
Jun 16, 2019
Alabama (United States)
No Response
First I wanna say I'm making this out of boredom and curiosity to know what you all think. So I have this straight friend I work with who always talks about how many women he's slept with and stuff like that. About a month ago he started calling me baby/babe (he does that with a lot of people) and started saying some pretty...questionable things. From there he started grabbing my butt at work and recently he started grabbing my crouch. Ig it would be one thing if he only did it at work or in public because idk he thinks it's funny. But I've hung out with him 1 on 1 and he still does it. About 1-2 weeks ago when he grabbed my dick while in his car I got hard (I don't jack off much so I get hard real easily and often) and he started laughing about. Then...he continues poking it and asking if I'm hard. Now he tries making me get hard every chance he gets either in public or when we are just hanging out. Even when his friends (guys or girls) are around. When we hang out with a girl he doesn't call me babe or baby, but when they aren't looking he tries to grab my dick.

I just wanna know your thoughts on the matter and maybe keep updates? This isn't me trying to pursue him or anything. I just think it's funny because a few co workers noticed and joke about him flirting with me. And ig i could've posted this in any thread but here we are
I agree with Marco86. The is a guy who is curious, with a capital "C". I don't think he knows how to communicate what he would really like to have happen; maybe this is just a lack of life experience with his bi-sexual urges. His bragging about his "hetero" experiences might be his compensating for his lack of uncertainty about his own sexuality.

I agree with Squirrel1; this is workplace harassment and is just not acceptable. You have a right to be concerned about it happening at work, especially if it puts you in an awkward spot with other co-workers, and that could become evident to management. Your bosses are obligated to put a stop to it. I think you should consider asking him to "cool it" in the workplace.

If you are OK with it outside the workplace, then consider letting him know that. However, you both have to be on the "same page". I don't think your friend is experienced enough about his sexuality Are you comfortable about your sexuality ? Are you experienced and confident enough to guide him through this development stage ? The situation could potentially "go south" and be a bad situation for both of you. On the other hand, it could work out to be great for both of you.

I can say I had some great j.o. and b.j. situations with persons within my work circle, especially on business trips / conventions. I was always careful to have experiences with married men. It ensured safety as we both had a lot to lose.

I am 66 y.o. The upside to this age is my life experience. It took years for me to really become comfortable with my bi-sexuality. However, I have no regrets. The more I read and converse with others on this site, the more sure I am about who I am and how my life evoved.

Keep us updated.
I can say I had some great j.o. and b.j. situations with persons within my work circle, especially on business trips / conventions. I was always careful to have experiences with married men. It ensured safety as we both had a lot to lose.

How'd you cultivate those experiences? I'm curious to try it but can't figure out how I'd get started in the limited time of an overnight convention or business trip! I toggle between imagining which would be better: with somebody I know or a stranger....
How'd you cultivate those experiences? I'm curious to try it but can't figure out how I'd get started in the limited time of an overnight convention or business trip! I toggle between imagining which would be better: with somebody I know or a stranger....

I met my "main male partner" at work. From the first time we were introduced our "gaydars" were sending out signals. He and wife had gone on a trip down south; when he was showing me pics of himself in a speedo, ( nice by the way ) and he looked directly at me to judge my reaction. One night, not too much later, we were both working late and it all started then !!! And has continued for many years.

Alcohol had a lot to do with my business trip / convention encounters. On shorter biz trips, grabbing friendly co-worker drinks after work was always a good start because one of you had a hotel room. It is amazing how quickly the alcohol loosened up the situation. And conventions were even better because the atmosphere was a bit more "party like" and you both had a hotel room.

You indicate 99% straight, so you probably haven't developed your "gaydar" enough to send out signals or how to read them from another guy. The longer I am in this LPSG the more I realize that most men have a yearning to have encounters with other men, regardless of how "straight" they are. It is OK with strangers because most men are looking for a great buddy j.o. / b.j. / anal in the physical sense and not the emotional, committed sense. Call it "friends with benefits".

I always thought being 50 / 50 was a curse; however LPSG has really helped me to understand myself. Straight men are a real turn on for me. I only had encounters with married men; that way you both had a lot to lose.

Don't know if this really helps you. Of course, be very, very careful. You don't want to end up in a bad way with work associates. I think my advantage was my "gaydar" and I would say that 99+% of the time, it always got a correct reading.
I agree with luvcutdick, alcohol really helps loosen up people and so you're going to be a bit more brave in trying out something-testing the waters- when an opportunity comes whiles you're not sober. I've had "straight " friends grab my ass and crotch, kiss me, talk about cocks etc whiles having drinks or partying. Nothing bever comes out of it and it's probably because I'm not confident enough in my sexuality to take the next step. It boils down to fear, I think.

How confident are you with your bisexuality, and especially your attraction to men? It would help alot if you are very comfortable with it.
First I wanna say I'm making this out of boredom and curiosity to know what you all think. So I have this straight friend I work with who always talks about how many women he's slept with and stuff like that. About a month ago he started calling me baby/babe (he does that with a lot of people) and started saying some pretty...questionable things. From there he started grabbing my butt at work and recently he started grabbing my crouch. Ig it would be one thing if he only did it at work or in public because idk he thinks it's funny. But I've hung out with him 1 on 1 and he still does it. About 1-2 weeks ago when he grabbed my dick while in his car I got hard (I don't jack off much so I get hard real easily and often) and he started laughing about. Then...he continues poking it and asking if I'm hard. Now he tries making me get hard every chance he gets either in public or when we are just hanging out. Even when his friends (guys or girls) are around. When we hang out with a girl he doesn't call me babe or baby, but when they aren't looking he tries to grab my dick.

I just wanna know your thoughts on the matter and maybe keep updates? This isn't me trying to pursue him or anything. I just think it's funny because a few co workers noticed and joke about him flirting with me. And ig i could've posted this in any thread but here we are
And you never grabbed him and or touched him back? I’m sorry OP but that is what I would have done. There is no way you gonna grab me and get me erect at that! and I just sit there with a hard dick. We would of had to of done something. OP I think it is quite obvious he wants you.
Okay, a little update and answering a few things. Firstly, he has been/is pursuing someone right now. He claims he just wants to smash her, but she seems to want an actual relationship. I think it's interesting. Personally I don't think he is at the point of being "relationship material" with anyone. Even while talking to her and saying he would go out with her, he still talks to other girls and tries hooking up, but she should know considering his reputation. Secondly, I've tried grabbing him back a few times to see his reaction and most of the time he kind of jumps back a little and tries even harder to grab me back. There was one time that he put my hand on his crotch and told me to rub it a little, so there's that lol.
First I wanna say I'm making this out of boredom and curiosity to know what you all think. So I have this straight friend I work with who always talks about how many women he's slept with and stuff like that. About a month ago he started calling me baby/babe (he does that with a lot of people) and started saying some pretty...questionable things. From there he started grabbing my butt at work and recently he started grabbing my crouch. Ig it would be one thing if he only did it at work or in public because idk he thinks it's funny. But I've hung out with him 1 on 1 and he still does it. About 1-2 weeks ago when he grabbed my dick while in his car I got hard (I don't jack off much so I get hard real easily and often) and he started laughing about. Then...he continues poking it and asking if I'm hard. Now he tries making me get hard every chance he gets either in public or when we are just hanging out. Even when his friends (guys or girls) are around. When we hang out with a girl he doesn't call me babe or baby, but when they aren't looking he tries to grab my dick.

I just wanna know your thoughts on the matter and maybe keep updates? This isn't me trying to pursue him or anything. I just think it's funny because a few co workers noticed and joke about him flirting with me. And ig i could've posted this in any thread but here we are

I love fun, playful guys like that.
Okay, a little update and answering a few things. Firstly, he has been/is pursuing someone right now. He claims he just wants to smash her, but she seems to want an actual relationship. I think it's interesting. Personally I don't think he is at the point of being "relationship material" with anyone. Even while talking to her and saying he would go out with her, he still talks to other girls and tries hooking up, but she should know considering his reputation. Secondly, I've tried grabbing him back a few times to see his reaction and most of the time he kind of jumps back a little and tries even harder to grab me back. There was one time that he put my hand on his crotch and told me to rub it a little, so there's that lol.
He. Wants. You.
Okay so I hung out with him and a few people and towards the end of the day he asked me "What am I to you?" It was unexpected lol. I responded with "you're my baby". (He calls me and a few others baby or babe so it was the first thing to come to my mind). It's also worth mentioning that someone asked him why he calls me baby and after a pause he said "I don't know". People are complicated to me hahaha
He wants to blow you. Say something to him like this: "You want to try sucking my dick tonight? I think you might like it. I promise I won't tell anyone."
He jokes around about me sucking his dick or jacking him off a lot so hmmm
First I wanna say I'm making this out of boredom and curiosity to know what you all think. So I have this straight friend I work with who always talks about how many women he's slept with and stuff like that. About a month ago he started calling me baby/babe (he does that with a lot of people) and started saying some pretty...questionable things. From there he started grabbing my butt at work and recently he started grabbing my crouch. Ig it would be one thing if he only did it at work or in public because idk he thinks it's funny. But I've hung out with him 1 on 1 and he still does it. About 1-2 weeks ago when he grabbed my dick while in his car I got hard (I don't jack off much so I get hard real easily and often) and he started laughing about. Then...he continues poking it and asking if I'm hard. Now he tries making me get hard every chance he gets either in public or when we are just hanging out. Even when his friends (guys or girls) are around. When we hang out with a girl he doesn't call me babe or baby, but when they aren't looking he tries to grab my dick.

I just wanna know your thoughts on the matter and maybe keep updates? This isn't me trying to pursue him or anything. I just think it's funny because a few co workers noticed and joke about him flirting with me. And ig i could've posted this in any thread but here we are

So.....are you into to what he's doing? Or do you feel he's transgressing on you at work? It's not clear from your post. I'm into guys, and I'd still punch his lights out if he pulled that on me at work. What he's doing sounds like some creepy sexual harassment shit.
So.....are you into to what he's doing? Or do you feel he's transgressing on you at work? It's not clear from your post. I'm into guys, and I'd still punch his lights out if he pulled that on me at work. What he's doing sounds like some creepy sexual harassment shit.
It doesn't bother me lol
Another update. So we hang out often ( alone or with a few others). Last week we were chilling and started "playing" around again. This time I decided to take a bit of initiative and play a bit too. I started rubbing his dick and he replied "it's hard for him to get...Hard because how much he has sex". But he encouraged me to try. Also, he's gone from poking/rubbing my crotch to stroking my dick through my pants. Now I know how all this sounds, but...Idk. To be fair im not the only guy he calls "babe". And the other guy has been around when he tries grabbing my dick and somewhat goes along with it (he mostly makes jokes or tries to stop me from moving, but he doesn't actually touch or show any interest in touch either of us). I haven't been a long with my coworker friend in about a week though. And idk how he feels about the girl he is going after. He talks about her like all his other hoes and when he invites me to hang out he always tells me to get her ( I say no because it's a bit of a drive). She really likes him though. When I hang out with him he always asks if we should pick her up, but it's not like she's his first choice a lot. He talks to a lot of girls

He also said that I could stay the night whenever I want. This is mostly because he doesn't like being alone, but I still might stay the night at some point. He's sending a lot of signals and idk what to really make of it all