Video Straight softcore with male full frontal nudity

My personal preference is edited hardcore scenes from cable (typically british) where raging erections are shown but not full penetration. There are occasional "slips" in these, but the internet edits overdo it IMO. It's gotta be Television X, Climax TV, EROX, Adult Channel, or, occasionally Spice, Playboy TV, Xtreme Filth, Beate-Uhse, or Zest TV. These can be tough to find, as the biggest collection seems to be on VK... which bans non-russians frequently. Spankbang does have a decent selection but a lot of the best are not there.

Some good ones have been shared, and theres:

Many more
thanks, but i was looking for softcore (not edited hardcore) with full frontal nudity.. seems like there's no other than sexy urban legends then.. thanks anyway
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thanks, but i was looking for softcore (not edited hardcore) with full frontal nudity.. seems like there's no other than sexy urban legends then.. thanks anyway
There's a rare softcore film series called Love Scenes (Her Fantasy) that showcases lots of full frontal male.

Steven Ryder Butt, Penis Scene in Love Scenes: Volume 1

Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 1.31.16 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 1.31.34 PM.png

Darren Lebrecht Butt, Penis Scene in Love Scenes: Volume 2

Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 1.32.02 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 1.31.53 PM.png

Definitely in the vein of Sexy Urban Legends. Even better, IMO.

I've only ever been able to find the full movies on VOD:
Love Scenes (Series) Adult Movies - HotMovies
Last edited:
There's a rare softcore film series called Love Scenes (Her Fantasy) that showcases lots of full frontal male.

Steven Ryder Butt, Penis Scene in Love Scenes: Volume 1

Darren Lebrecht Butt, Penis Scene in Love Scenes: Volume 2

Definitely in the vein of Sexy Urban Legends. Even better, IMO.

I've only ever been able to find the full movies on VOD:
Love Scenes (Series) Adult Movies - HotMovies
Actually, just located Volume 2 here:
What is the Name of the Pornstar ?? (Playgirl Love Scenes)
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There's a rare softcore film series called Love Scenes (Her Fantasy) that showcases lots of full frontal male.

Steven Ryder Butt, Penis Scene in Love Scenes: Volume 1

View attachment 123425911
View attachment 123425971

Darren Lebrecht Butt, Penis Scene in Love Scenes: Volume 2

View attachment 123426541
View attachment 123426561

Definitely in the vein of Sexy Urban Legends. Even better, IMO.

I've only ever been able to find the full movies on VOD:
Love Scenes (Series) Adult Movies - HotMovies
thanks, thats the type i am looking for
Any more straight softcore films like "Love Scenes" with generous male nudity?

If you're interested in gay softcore, I have a thread going here. Lots of frontal male nudity.
interesting thread... such scenes with male full frontal nudity in softcore are like one in a million, however u can see female full frontals everywhere.. lol... hopefully there are more scenes like this...