T Injections/Roid Use

If people are having trouble getting T from their doctor, and you're well versed on how much you should be taking and the proper protocols, there are options to obtain it (plus supporting medications like Arimidex, etc.) online that aren't readily advertised on Google or social media and are way less expensive than hitting up the biggest dude at your gym.
Tried shooting you a message but wasn't able to... any good sources?
Please pay attention to your levels. I let mine get into the low 1400,'s with estradiol at 57 way too high. Actually libido went down. And a case of roid rage. It sneaks up on you. Try to keep it down to 900 and estradiol to 25.
This right here!

Thought I'd reply to bring this to the front of the line as a public service. ;)
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Nice topic.
I took a blood test in August and my total testosterone was 885,0 ng/Dl which is a good number for what I know. Now, I'm not sure if I should move on with a cycle. I'm eating more fat (on a good diet) and bulking to see if I can gain more mass.

My problem always was eating more, but I'm focused now. I also bought Long Jack which is a herbal that helps to "release" more testosterone in my blood. Then I'll see how it goes.

The good thing is that where I live I already know an endocrinologist who can give me a cycle in which the application will be done at the drugstore, as well as the product purchase. This saves me from messing up self-applying or buying something from underground labs.

Should I stay or should I go?
