Ted Cordery — corderyfit

Really, because I have a stock standard Android phone, and I don't have that feature. Is there a tutorial somewhere to get that to work, or an app that I have to download?
Do you know which version of Android you have? If it's 12 or up you can swipe down twice on your notification bar to get your quick actions, there should be an icon like a pencil to edit your quick action toggles, click on that and scroll down to the unused ones, screen record should be there somewhere, just hold your finger down on it and drag it up to your quick action panel.
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iOS says "no" - iPhone and MacBook. Both latest versions. Just get recordings of the homescreen and the video background. Only fair, I suppose, but a disappointing end to my 'academic research' ... :innocent:
Maybe try using Chrome on iOS? Not sure why it wouldn't work.
I don’t know why you’re all so salty over what he’s doing. Why exactly would he make sexy content? Not everyone wants their cock on the internet, and he can literally turn up somewhere and random people will hand him money for nothing.

If you were an 18 year old and able to do this, you would 100% all be doing it.
I don’t know why you’re all so salty over what he’s doing. Why exactly would he make sexy content? Not everyone wants their cock on the internet, and he can literally turn up somewhere and random people will hand him money for nothing.

If you were an 18 year old and able to do this, you would 100% all be doing it.
But once you've rinsed Croydon, then what? With the right approach to his OF page he could go global and still keep his modesty intact ...
Yeah, I just saw that. And, I bet that even if somebody sends him $1,000 that he will lie and say that somebody else sent him more.
100% agree, there's zero accountability, he can rake in the cash and just say the person that sent the most wants to be anonymous
If you're going to quote me, quote exactly what I said. I said, "That I have seen." You can't tell me that my opinion is a bit of a stretch. I haven't subscribed to every single straight guy on OnlyFans. Maybe if I had, I would find guys that are bigger scammers than him, but as of now, in my personal experience, he is the biggest scammer that I have seen on OnlyFans.
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