The $10,000 10-inch challenge

For those old enough to remember Johnny Carson: "tough crowd...tough crowd!"....

He was the best...Letterman did a monologue of all jokes Johnny Carson sent him... "Paris Hilton's litle dog Tinkerbell was reported lost and missing last week..but it turned out to be a false alarm as it was only out making a porno with the Taco Bell Chihuahua"

I’m skeptical, but curious. We always suspect shenanigans when the whole penis is not visible, and we also disregard measurements not done according to standard. So no, not 10” for us yet

Ps, op is looking for “non bone pressed” measurement also, not bone pressed like your photos

Would love for you to prove us wrong
OP is looking for NBP, didn't I mishear? seriously NBP? Find 10" BP at least... or had you done it?..
Kid bailed claiming it's not worth it to post a picture of his dick on the internet

Because that makes total sense, seeing he was claiming, "I'm 11" and will prove it" all over Whisper.
Not even a little bit surprising. If you followed this thread all along as several of us have, you've seen this over and over...the stud rolls up in this bitch like he's The Man, and he's gonna take this cash no problem. Just has to (fill in some reason for no pictures)...

Then nothing.