The $10,000 10-inch challenge

At this point I believe the verification picture for guys should be a properly measurment pic
Lol, its difficult enough getting the odd guy here to measure correctly, can you imagine the trauma trying to get EVERY verified guy to do it?
The best is always seeing the SPH guys post flawless measurements.
Not entirely true in my opinion. SPH guys usually sell themselves short, which makes sense. They want to be humiliated because they are soooo small, while the larger members usually want to get praise for their huuuuge penis
Not entirely true in my opinion. SPH guys usually sell themselves short, which makes sense. They want to be humiliated because they are soooo small, while the larger members usually want to get praise for their huuuuge penis

Yes, I agree. I’ve seen instances where they do actually sell themselves short. Still, in a lot of instances they resemble a proper measurement much more closely than a lot of the attempts from the latter category you mentioned.
Not entirely true in my opinion. SPH guys usually sell themselves short, which makes sense. They want to be humiliated because they are soooo small, while the larger members usually want to get praise for their huuuuge penis

Best example I've seen here was a long-term Member who claimed to have a micro-penis. Yet his pics of himself that he posted in his own galleries refuted that claim.

His own admittedly-him posted content shows he has an average penis. Both length and girth. As several Members commented, nothing to be ashamed of. Nothing micro about it. Yet he maintained he had a micro penis.

Similar scenario to so many of the "My dick is 10 inches, or I was with a guy with 10 or 11 or 12 or more inches, etc." claimers who do basically the same thing.

When challenged to provide a measured correctly picture as proof, they have excuses. No ruler. Sleeping. Don't need the money. The contest is fake. We're all haters. You name it, we've heard it.

Funny how the sph guys underestimate and the 10-inch claiming guys overestimate.

Whatever happened to the truth? I guess some guys can't handle the truth...;)

Best example I've seen here was a long-term Member who claimed to have a micro-penis. Yet his pics of himself that he posted in his own galleries refuted that claim.

His own admittedly-him posted content shows he has an average penis. Both length and girth. As several Members commented, nothing to be ashamed of. Nothing micro about it. Yet he maintained he had a micro penis.

Similar scenario to so many of the "My dick is 10 inches, or I was with a guy with 10 or 11 or 12 or more inches, etc." claimers who do basically the same thing.

When challenged to provide a measured correctly picture as proof, they have excuses. No ruler. Sleeping. Don't need the money. The contest is fake. We're all haters. You name it, we've heard it.

Funny how the sph guys underestimate and the 10-inch claiming guys overestimate.

Whatever happened to the truth? I guess some guys can't handle the truth...;)
You may have said too much. I fear you might have summoned him back.

I always felt a bit bad for him. He lacked tact (admittedly, mine could use work as well). And he was indeed somewhat of a low baller, but more on point than a lot of people who wrote him off as quackery from that time period. When people thought Danny D was 9”+, Mandingo was 10”ish and Shane was 9”, etc. or other similar exaggerative nonsense. Especially a decade plus back when people didn’t have great grasp on real size. He was a troll for sure, but he actually was technically closer to the truth than the “non trolls” he was arguing with and who bullied and berated him.
I always felt a bit bad for him. He lacked tact. And he was indeed somewhat of a low baller, but more on point than a lot of people who wrote him off as quackery from that time period. When people thought Danny D was 9”+, Mandingo was 10”ish and Shane was 9”, etc. or other similar exaggerative nonsense. Especially a decade plus back when people didn’t have great grasp on real size. He was a troll for sure, but he actually was technically closer to the truth than the “non trolls” he was arguing with.
Yea I mean Mandingo obviously wasn’t 8 inches like he claimed, but Rfj WAS technically closer to the truth than the average person who thought Mandingo was over 10. He just sounded way crazier at the time.

Best example I've seen here was a long-term Member who claimed to have a micro-penis. Yet his pics of himself that he posted in his own galleries refuted that claim.

His own admittedly-him posted content shows he has an average penis. Both length and girth. As several Members commented, nothing to be ashamed of. Nothing micro about it. Yet he maintained he had a micro penis.
Batman put it best...