The Average Penis Sizes By Countries.

In many cases something called science is opinion in fact. For example "climate consensus" - it istnieje no hard facts, no proofs, homsexualism is just another orientation not diseas because sexuologist said that in some ankiet - it id not proof.
Only in math we say only about hard facts.
If you think there's no hard facts for global warming, then please continue believing so.... Happy Trumping....
I mean, there are still people that believe in a flat earth. Imagine the poor japanese had to fly across the whole world to attack Pearl Harbor.
If it comes to dlatego Earth we have proofs. And we do not talk about 'Earth shape consensus'.
Indian here AND short.... My soft dick is bigger than that average "American" one. Even though I am fully American.

I am sure there is a wide spread misconception of whomevers dick size. I can almost guarantee that there really isn't a size difference between countries. Porn affects that thinking too much. There's huge dudes with very tiny dicks and there are tiny dudes with huge dicks.

If there was any indication of size, it wouldn't be a guessing game..
Who still have nothing more than anecdotal evidence which also is biased based on preference.
Very true. In my experience, the countries with the biggest cities (pools of dicks) and access to hookup apps (not oppressive governments) have resulted in the largest penises in my hotel rooms. Thus, therefore and ergo...
The only experts I’d trust on the subject are slutty gay guys!

Speaking as a “slutty gay guy” but sadly without tremendous global experience I’d say it’s about right.

5” in Ireland and 5.1” in USA.

Booking a flight to the Congo.
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