The Circle (reality Show) - Netflix

Theres lots of comments around Mitchell being quite homophobic while he was at school (no proof though) and photos of him with a confederate flag too.
Theres lots of comments around Mitchell being quite homophobic while he was at school (no proof though) and photos of him with a confederate flag too.
He's probably was all those things. And don't be shock when the proof comes out what he's really like. That's literally the point of the show. Just good to look at. Don't bog the thread down with investigating his morals... I'm here to tell you he's probably not gay friendly and he's probably questionable morally just like the rest of those fuck boys are.
He's probably was all those things. And don't be shock when the proof comes out what he's really like. That's literally the point of the show. Just good to look at. Don't bog the thread down with investigating his morals... I'm here to tell you he's probably not gay friendly and he's probably questionable morally just like the rest of those fuck boys are.
Aren't we being a little prejudiced and judgemental here ?
Aren't we being a little prejudiced and judgemental here ?
I don't care I jerked off to mitchell last night. No regrets. Countless threads get stale due to people inserting morality. hate to break it to you all not one of you is going to date these people. Go to another section for all that please and keep this to thirst talk :) my point is ending there not discussing any further. Good day.
Jack/Emily really be serving major BDE I hope there’s something out there
It’s funny bc Bryce/Mitchell are obviously more traditionally attractive, so I’m glad to see y’all seeing the same thing I’m seeing w/ Jack - something about his attitude is SO hot. The way he sits, his legs, the shots of him in underwear, his armpits...the list goes on and on. Love that he’s reacting to the attention on IG, lol, and wowwww @ that shoe size! Ugh
It’s funny bc Bryce/Mitchell are obviously more traditionally attractive, so I’m glad to see y’all seeing the same thing I’m seeing w/ Jack - something about his attitude is SO hot. The way he sits, his legs, the shots of him in underwear, his armpits...the list goes on and on. Love that he’s reacting to the attention on IG, lol, and wowwww @ that shoe size! Ugh
He’s gotta be HUGE!
I'm SO glad some people agree with me that Jack was really dang hot. Tho i fall so easy for lanky white boys that i instantly loved him the moment i saw him. His persona just made him even hotter.
Ok, but am I the only one that actually thought "River" was kind of hot? Not Lee, but his friend in the pictures he was using to portray River. I kept hoping we'd get to see some more pictures of him at least.

can someone hire a detective to find out who he is?
Im gonna investigate a little bit in Lee‘s ig, since he said they’re friends