And here, yet again, you are with extreme polarity in your thought process you refuse to acknowledge. Earlier, you harped on my statement - a reflection on one reason why some men may not like someone being attracted exclusively to them based on their penis size, by responding with, "No one is not talking about having to be the biggest, only not small," which was actually beside the point in the context in which it was brought up.
But, that noted, an implication of your statement was that it is not a competition. However, now, you are talking about somebody, well people, finding smalls dicks to be of the "ultimate desirable trait," which in fact, they were in Rome, even if only within the context of social status. Secondly, I never said they were the "ultimate desirable trait," and in that same frame, a big dick is not the "ultimate desirable trait" to WOMEN; it is, without argument, to MEN, however.
Your statements and general demeanor thus far imply that you do not simply want someone to find a small dick desirable, you want them to find it to be of the the ultimate desirability to the EXCLUSION OF other sized dicks. It is not enough for you that someone likes a small and average sized dick because YOUR dislike of a small dick is such that both cannot exist without a higher premium being placed on the average size dick, in your mind. It is a case of someone wanting to be the best for having been made to feel like the worse.
At the end of the day, unless there is an undeniable popularity for small dicks where you feel like you are in the "in-crowd," with an overabundance of attention and desire, it won't do anything to appease or validate you at all, which is the reason I feel there is no point in my continuing with this convo with you. You take anecdotal evidence of things as "facts" though they have not been proven - a matter of objectivity, not subjectivity. You refuse to acknowledge the gaps you make in leaps and bounds from assumption to proof. Even if somebody were to come on this thread and announce what you request - rejecting big dicks and stating small dicks were of ultimate persuasion, it wouldn't make you feel better nor would YOU believe them, because you are operating within trauma.
Regardless, I hope the best for you. Maybe one day you will stop disliking small dicks. Who knows. Its highly improbable if you continue to allow your desire to be vindicated for the rude things people have said/do say/have done/do cause you to choose to continue to dislike your dick and small dicks in general. But I am out as I know nothing I say as an individual to you will matter to or make a difference for you.