Jesus Christ, this pity party is still raging on?
"I like your dick."
"But you don't iDeALiZe it!"
"You're hot; I'd have sex with you."
"But you don't iDeALiZe my dick!"
"I don't care one way or the other."
"Which means you don't iDeALiZe my dick!"
"I prefer smaller ones, actually."
"Where are all the people who supposedly iDeALiZe my dick?"
No need to take personal responsibility when you can just blame your size, I guess. No need for self-reflection when you can just foist all your problems onto your dick. No need to work on your attitude when you can just blame the ancient Romans for some reason, and erroneously since most evidence points to the contrary which is why their art and statues depict smaller dicks. And when we can't blame the Romans, we'll just speak for all women and lay the blame there as if that's not degrading, insulting, incel shit.
If you don't think your dick has worth, what makes you think someone else will or even should? If you won't help yourself, why do you expect others to? Your self-image is unhealthy. Your obsession with cock size is unhealthy. The way you talk about women is unhealthy. The way you skirt around your sexuality is unhealthy. Embarrassment be damned, get thee to a fucking therapist, post haste.