The men from "shameless"

I think the show should have ended when Emmy rossum left. Season 10 wasn’t the same without her,

It started going bad a few years before that. But it still makes a lot of money so Showtime hits that renew button. It's only ending now because the cast is done. I can only imagine what kind of shit they talk about the scripts but
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is this the same person that does those pornhub ads, or did they steal this art?
That’s another artist. The one I posted is Sthenx and the one that appears in those ads is Mo0nx. And yeah, they stole his art
"O'Doyle Rules!!!!" As a comic guy I love that Cam was one of my favorite Characters..Superboy. Y'all thought I was going to say "Joker" sorry there arent any pictures that havent already been seen