Like Random Thoughts only strictly for bitching about shit.
1. It's too fucking hot!!! I left my house a respectable woman. By the time I got home most of my clothing was removed.
I walked up to mu house in boxer shorts and a bralette. The bralette was gone before my door was unlocked. I don't care if my neighbors saw tittehs*!!!
My happy ass is back on vampire time until October. Fuck being sweaty and freckled. Fuck it hard.
*My porch has lattice with vining planets...plants even...vining planets is a pretty dope idea... no tittehs were unleashed on innocent bystanders.
1. It's too fucking hot!!! I left my house a respectable woman. By the time I got home most of my clothing was removed.
I walked up to mu house in boxer shorts and a bralette. The bralette was gone before my door was unlocked. I don't care if my neighbors saw tittehs*!!!
My happy ass is back on vampire time until October. Fuck being sweaty and freckled. Fuck it hard.
*My porch has lattice with vining planets...plants even...vining planets is a pretty dope idea... no tittehs were unleashed on innocent bystanders.