The Official 'Bitch About It' Thread


Mythical Member
Staff member
Platinum Gold
Nov 3, 2008
90% Gay, 10% Straight
Like Random Thoughts only strictly for bitching about shit.

1. It's too fucking hot!!! I left my house a respectable woman. By the time I got home most of my clothing was removed.

I walked up to mu house in boxer shorts and a bralette. The bralette was gone before my door was unlocked. I don't care if my neighbors saw tittehs*!!!

My happy ass is back on vampire time until October. Fuck being sweaty and freckled. Fuck it hard.

*My porch has lattice with vining planets...plants even...vining planets is a pretty dope idea... no tittehs were unleashed on innocent bystanders.
Also. Mother fucker can't drive in this state. Witnessed almost 3 accidents while I was out. One right in front of an emergency room entrance.

Maybe a driving refresher coarse every 10 years?
10 years? Try every 10 months. While this may have seemed so unusual that it made the national news, but down here, we call this a Tuesday.

State Road 408 cleared after 43-car pileup near downtown Orlando

No way they were all tailgating each other...nope :rolleyes:.
Elon Musk's poverty LARPing :mad:

Could you just fucking not?!?

"Elon Musk says he doesn't own a home and guest crashing with friends" so quirky.

The absolute soulless fuckery!! His disconnect from the reality of people actually struggling. All to shore up his blind to privilege flail that come up is easy.

Fuck the fuck of ya fucking fuck

Can we make Broke-face a thing? Like really fucking rich people who do poor folk shit just get crushed with cancel energy.
Elon Musk's poverty LARPing :mad:

Could you just fucking not?!?

"Elon Musk says he doesn't own a home and guest crashing with friends" so quirky.

The absolute soulless fuckery!! His disconnect from the reality of people actually struggling. All to shore up his blind to privilege flail that come up is easy.

Fuck the fuck of ya fucking fuck

Can we make Broke-face a thing? Like really fucking rich people who do poor folk shit just get crushed with cancel energy.

Love having a term for this. The thing that always bugged me about Rent is main characters in it basically doing broke-face and treating poverty like an aesthetic. Love that people are waking up to this, like Grimes getting dragged last month for saying he "lives below the poverty line."
Our illustrious governor is banning math books because they contain critical race theory.

I knew it! I knew introducing letters with numbers in math was a bad idea, and here it has reached its destiny.

Stupid racist math.
Ever since the Republican war on science began, I've been saying it will come to the point where they will claim math is "woke", part of "liberal indoctrination" and convince their voters that 1+1 actually equals 3. Turns out it wasn't just hyperbole on my part.
Tucker Carlson is a white supremacist misogynist piece of shit.

He's the white dog shit Brennan and Dale had to lick. Just a crusty turd festering on the ground.

Take your tanned testicles and shove 'em Tuck.
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Can I chime in? Male here and I haven't been on a goddamned vacation in 20 years! I am so sick of staying home and in my state I could fucking scream! There are a lot of circumstances as to why I just don't go someplace myself and just know the whole thing revolves money and a lack of it! There is also more to unpack there but it'll have you reaching for a 6pack and a bottle of drain cleaner! 20 FUCKING YEARS! And in that time do you think anyone was trying to plan and save for the big family vacation I want to take? FUCK NO! I am so desperate to go someplace I would consider camping in a tent sleeping in a sleeping bag on the ground...I'm not about anything camping and loathe bugs but thats how BADLY I need a vacation! Sorry ladies just has been on my mind A LOT lately needed a vent, thanks for listening!
Honestly never get why you guys live in a society where your needs are not at the center.

I know it's different parts of the woods but here 6 weeks paid vacation is mandatory - and 7-8 weeks are getting common.

Having time away from the office is so important - and it should be fully paid and not something you have to save for.
Honestly never get why you guys live in a society where your needs are not at the center.

I know it's different parts of the woods but here 6 weeks paid vacation is mandatory - and 7-8 weeks are getting common.

Having time away from the office is so important - and it should be fully paid and not something you have to save for.
Oh I get 6 weeks paid, but my salary doesn’t allow me to actually go anywhere during said vacation. Catch 22.
Tucker Carlson is a white supremacist misogynist piece of shit.

He's the white dog shit Brennan and Dale had to lick. Just a crusty turd festering on the ground.

Take your tanned testicles and shove 'em Tuck.


Ever since the Republican war on science began, I've been saying it will come to the point where they will claim math is "woke", part of "liberal indoctrination" and convince their voters that 1+1 actually equals 3. Turns out it wasn't just hyperbole on my part.
Well, as a person of science I can confirm that neither right or left wing are friends of science.
If you want we can do a game (via DM or in a dedicated thread).
Chose a topic that's hot in politics, and I can show you were politicians failed at math :p
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