SO porn photographer Martin Ryter just released a very sexy sultry shot of Jensen Ackles on Instagram/Facebook.
The intriguing thing is I've been hearing for DECADES in LA that Jensen did many shoots with Martin and some were very explicit.
I've always thought the rumors weren't true because there was nothing to show for it. HOWEVER Now we know they did work I'm getting pretty excited over here figuring we might be getting to see Jensen's dick sometime soon!

One other interesting thing about Jensen's released picture is watermarked Martin Ryter Hollywood and all the pictures on his porn sight are watermarked same way; the pictures of guys not on his porn site are watermarked either just Martin Ryter or
Martin Ryter photographer. Hopefully that's a clue that he'll be releasing more Jensen on his site. Anyone already subscribe to Martin's site and want to check if Jensen photos or videos are up??
Anyone else ever hear these rumors about porn shots with Jensen? Or any rumors about him with guys sometimes? Since this is the speculation thread I'll ask over here; what are are everyone's thoughts on Jensen's sexuality now?? Maybe bi? Pan?