For the Old Hollywood Impaired...(Alex obviously not included), Ramon Navarro was killed by two dumb hustlers who were brothers. Ramon often employed hustlers, these came in search of the 5 grand he allegedly kept stashed in his house.
He was killed by asphyxiation with a lead art deco dildo cast from Rudolph Valentino's cock.
Thanks for that. I saw Tab Hunter's autobiography at the bookstore and might read it if he dishes on who he slept with.
I had a movie book when I was a kid that had the Clint Walker axe photo. You can imagine what I did with that.
For the Old Hollywood Impaired...(Alex obviously not included), Ramon Navarro was killed by two dumb hustlers who were brothers. Ramon often employed hustlers, these came in search of the 5 grand he allegedly kept stashed in his house.
He was killed by asphyxiation with a lead art deco dildo cast from Rudolph Valentino's cock.
I remember reading that in Kenneth Anger's book 'Hollywood Babylon'. Sad end, but like a plot line from a movie.