Things to ponder about

lying deceitful cretins
unfortunately there will always be many subhumans and there 000s of follower/bekievers
a very sick society
It's a common practice for industries to support ideas/concepts that ultimately yield greater profit. This isn't about truth. Lobbyists secure political backing with this pseudoscience.
Facts are spun because nobody wants to buy from a villain. Like the tomatoes, this is system to make the rich richer.
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lying deceitful cretins
unfortunately there will always be many subhumans and there 000s of follower/bekievers
a very sick society

have intimated for many years tne eu/un is full of the worlds worst non performers/stuttering thru there hihjly payd bs learesjip

so glad the uk got out

very inhappy/abbuyed re ny and texas,am sure theres othhers ...
contrast re utah huh

nloogy ridicylousv amatreur coppersnib schools lauding it/power houngy vn ummature adukts vs kids grrrrr

very inhappy/abbuyed re ny and texas,am sure theres othhers ...
contrast re utah huh

nloogy ridicylousv amatreur coppersnib schools lauding it/power houngy vn ummature

mloody cinning/secretivs usa
yey another decietful usa

not avalable in your area/countyy ggs

pots all about usa statesahuse of cjildreb in juvrnile goals/jails/detention
adukts vs kids grrrrr

Behind Bars: USA - Locking Up Children | Free Documentary​

ibcarcerated juveniles in usa ptisons
as young as 10

704,172 views Dec 5, 2022 #FreeDocumentary #Documentary #KidsBehindBars
USA - Locking up children | Prison DocumentaryBanged Up: My Story - Toughest Stories from Behind Bars:
• Toughest Stories from Behind Bars | B...
It’s the only nation in the world that has not signed the International Convention on the Rights of the Child: the United States. Signing would mean relaxing legislation on the confinement of minors. Indeed, several American states still sentence minors to years, sometimes even life, in prison. The situation is worse than ever before: 70,000 minors are currently in American prisons, some in juvenile prisons, others in adult centres.To protect them from their fellow inmates, the prison administration often keeps them in isolation for months or even years. Several cases are particularly disturbing, such as that of Khalief Browder, accused of stealing a backpack. He committed suicide after finally being released after 2 years in pre-trial detention. Our reporter gained access inside some such ‘juvies’, and met with minors in the system. In Utah, the authorities are rethinking the conditions of detaining minors. In Texas, on the other hand, the principle is simple: major crime, major penalty. No excuses.This film reveals why so many minors end up behind bars, the main reason being the judicialization of society. Even in schools, police officers — not supervisors — now patrol the hallways. As a result, school-based misconduct has become a crime, sending students straight into the criminal system.▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Subscribe Free Documentary Channel for free:
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Facebook:▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬#FreeDocumentary #Documentary #KidsBehindBars▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Free Documentary is dedicated to bringing high-class documentaries to you on YouTube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer. Enjoy stories about nature, wildlife, culture, people, history and more to come.



SORRYre large type
This imprisonment issue is complicated.
There has been a stern emphasis on being tough to crime. That's going to be difficult to change.
I would like to see more social initiatives fostered aimed at the reduction of discord.
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This imprisonment issue is complicated.
There has been a stern emphasis on being tough to crime. That's going to be difficult to change.
I would like to see more social initiatives fostered aimed at the reduction of discord.

very sad
state of affairs

never ending

thanks dr

In addition, this book isn’t just a bunch of cookie-cutter recipes that may or may not apply to what you see inyour viewfinder. Instead, it’s designed to replace mystery and confusion with clarity and understanding. Forget trying to memorize a list of settings for BIF work – after reading this book, you’ll instinctively know and understand exactly what to do in any given scenario. You’ll be the one your friends turn to for BIF advice!


Each chapter is written with a singular goal – to make YOU a better BIFphotographer! With each turn of the page you’ll develop a deeper understanding of what steps you’ll need to take to start capturing wall-hangers. This book is overflowing with time-tested, field-proven techniques that will consistently put winners on your cards.


Although the book is highly detailed, it’s still written for every photographer, no matter your current skilllevel. Every bit of advice and every technique or setting suggestion is written in a non-technical, easy-going style that makes comprehension painless and fun. Heck, you’ll even find a little humor tossed in to shake things up a bit! No matter where you are right now – beginner, intermediate or advanced – this book has something packed in its virtual pages for you to discover.


In addition, the book is absolutely jammed with real-world example shots (including settings) and illustrationsthat make it easy to understand every concept and technique we discuss. Each and every image is explained in detail and brings you one step closer to consistently stunning BIF photos.


The book is divided up into three sections: Gear, Settings, and Technique. Each main section includes a number of chapters that will catapult your skillset to another level.


For a complete list of everything in each of the 17 chapters, head to the site - you'll be blown away!

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Finally, if you’re still on the fence, think of it this way…

ta syeve

c9ouldent refrain