Things to ponder about

I had a good ponder. It was 'outside the box'
But I have a horrible memory

Heres one:
In Heaven, you will be punished (and spend a day in Hell) for every living thing you killed

Oh God, I tore off the legs of alot of Daddy Long Legs

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You can double your life, if you spend the second half of your life hurting others
Perhaps that helps explain the longevity of a lot of bad people.
Coloured X-ray of the knees of a patient with severe osteoarthritis, shown in blue and orange colours.
After 68 weeks of injections, participants taking semaglutide reported a much bigger drop on the pain scale: an average of 42 points, versus an average of 28 points for placebo recipients. (Dr. P. Marazzi/Science Photo Library)

Anti-obesity drug alleviates knee arthritis

ta nb / nature
always trying tio help

rhanks again
Animated sequence of an illustrated brain illuminating different connections.
The human brain develops slowly compared to other animals. It takes almost 30 years, roughly half our average lifespan, to mature and refine its connections. A mouse brain, however, fully develops in just 5% of its lifespan. (Illustration by Phil Wheeler)

The ineffable quality of the human brain

(I saw Andrea Bocelli* on 'Nightline', with his son)
- thats how Google spelt / spelled his name

Imagine having a child that you've never seen
Lead rains down on us daily from airplanes (as their fuel is still lead based.)
There's exhaust from vehicles and factories.
Other burnings, like forest fires, are more common.
Heavy metals, volatile organic chemicals, Phthalates.... and a weakening ozone layer.
Here is food for thought...talking about Ozone. Studies 2024 this year have been going on for some time with high solar particle activity, have linked depletion of the Ozone layer...It acts like a sandpaper, especially since Earths magnetic field has been weakening for the past 100-150 years. Scientific fact Australian Charles Sturt University study on Climate dated May 2024

.....ahh, why is the link..

New study shows mysterious solar particle blasts can devastate the ozone layer, bathing Earth in radiation for years

Also scientific studies re Floods in Spain dating back to the 16th century have been tied to high solar events December 2023. Population increase, agricultural, commercial, tourism and building along river banks and flood plains to blame.....but read anyway
Historical floods in the southeastern Iberian Peninsula since the 16th century: Trends and regional analysis of extreme flood events

Have a tonne of links to prove we'll be gone long before lead rain kills us :)

That doesn't include the hundreds of geological studies concerning sinking of Islands in the Western Pacific by NASA, studies published on PNAS since the early 1980's one cares about the truth mate. Or the science facts :)
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