Thomas doherty

Never been to a bathhouse before, do people really walk around with a towel/cloth on their dicks? doesn't that kind of...defeat the purpose of a bathhouse?
no, they're either full on naked or with a towel wrapped around their waist. and you can even see some random guy naked in the back.
this was basically their way of showing that the guys are naked without showing their dicks
Guys, this show exists in the fictional world of most of all high school set soaps, where the characters are simultaneously teens and adults in that they have unlimited money and resources, complicated sexual and personal lives, and yet occupy a centralized small world where they constantly interact with each other, which is conducive to drama. Enjoy the ride (or dont) but if you start thinking about the real world implications of it, you’re not gonna have any fun. It’s like what happens if you start wondering why Bruce Wayne doesn’t just use his money to fight up inequality rather than beating up the mentally ill. Sure, it’s true in the real world, but then you wouldn’t get to enjoy Batman stories.